
this message may be offensive
Someone tell me to continue writing this fucking book istg it’s not even funny anymore I said I’d write this every other day it’s been 2 weeks 


@ill-be-fine I did the same, does it even matter in the end- like a week or a day is practically the same. Look if you don't feel like writing then don't write but if you have time and nothing better to do then do. Ps. I need to know what happens next its so good


this message may be offensive
Someone tell me to continue writing this fucking book istg it’s not even funny anymore I said I’d write this every other day it’s been 2 weeks 


@ill-be-fine I did the same, does it even matter in the end- like a week or a day is practically the same. Look if you don't feel like writing then don't write but if you have time and nothing better to do then do. Ps. I need to know what happens next its so good


What book would some of y’all like to read? I wanna try and wright a new book since i completely butchered the last one and deleted it, but i wanna try and write another one. I’ll probs just stick with oneshots tho - got any suggestions?


wow you guys really blanked me like that 