
Hi All!! I posted a bonus chapter that's Jayden's POV for when he first meets Haley. Let me know if you want more of these chapters!


@ reading_mylife_away  ME TOO <333
          	  hope you're doing well, my favorite nerd ;)
          	  Your must be on a tight schedule it's nice to have you hope on here from time to time :)


@ reading_mylife_away  Hii, thx for the bonus chapter i loved seeing what Jayden thaught of Hayley during their first meeting. It was a great idea to write it, you did a wonderfull job ! 
          	  I think we would all adore having additional chapters from Jayden's perspective (we would all adore anything you write honestly )


Hi All!! I posted a bonus chapter that's Jayden's POV for when he first meets Haley. Let me know if you want more of these chapters!


@ reading_mylife_away  ME TOO <333
            hope you're doing well, my favorite nerd ;)
            Your must be on a tight schedule it's nice to have you hope on here from time to time :)


@ reading_mylife_away  Hii, thx for the bonus chapter i loved seeing what Jayden thaught of Hayley during their first meeting. It was a great idea to write it, you did a wonderfull job ! 
            I think we would all adore having additional chapters from Jayden's perspective (we would all adore anything you write honestly )


MERRY CHRISTMAS  to my favorite nerd ;)
          may god always be with you <333
          well as they say better late then never 
          what a pretty (and naughty) christmas gift you gave us that's so nice !
          it's good to see them back---- it's good to see YOU back, so heart warming.
          i'm happy to see that you decided to proceed with the Emma Jaxon spin of :)
          Hope we see more of u soon bestie <3
          and that your doing well :)
                   from your most incredible, fabulous          
                    and marvelous fan <3


Hi!!! I miss you too! I’m excited to start this new project. I have a couple of ideas floating around, both for Emma and for a whole new story. I’m just trying to find the time. Happy New Year! ily


I’m working on something exciting (steamy) 






@ reading_mylife_away  
            Ou la la 
            glad to see you back :)
            I see... So it's gonna get HOT 


I got a shoutout...I actually got a shoutout?!?!
          I feel spoiled, flattered, shy and most of all reconnaissante <3
          You did good with the epilogue like actually soooo good that's a fantastic ending giving closure to all the problems and introducing little levi (if he's like his mom I can guarantee you that he's going to be an awesome adult one day and hopefully he takes on his father's gentlemen's genes as well), the Monroes treating Haley like they always should have (after all that STRUGGLING they put her through) is the cream on the cake and giving Fred a girlfriend is the cherry on top.
          Jayden really got more and more confidant over the course of the book. I ABSOLUTELY adore that.
          Bro the rumors he put out were something else 
          you got me laughing at 1am I literally can't what a joyful note to end with and ofc he's valedictorian who would have doubted THAT IT'S A FACT.
          I loved that we got to see his being a little flirty in public, this really highlights his major character development. I remember at the beginning he was scared to attract attention at the library, like mate if their is one place where people don't notice you at all it's the library.
          Btw forgot to tell you last time but before continuing I noticed that you changed your pfp it's really pretty I like it :)
          And I believe you changed the description of your channel too (maybe I'm wrong on that one)
          You did very well on that closure line like we know now that the lesson was well learned.
          Bestie in other terms you: ABSO-FUCKIN-LUTELY SLAYED 
          Ps: Jaxon's reaction was priceless 
          Now you :) 
          How have you been doing you smarty nerdy multi talented human being?
          Being an engineering student is a lot of work hope your keeping up with everything :)
          I really hope your getting all your hours of sleep   cause all that studying must be leaving you exhausted.
          Take care love you <3


Thanks for everything and take as much time as needed studies are a top priority I hope you're wrighting the best thesis know to humanity good luck <3 


girlie of course I would shout you out! you’re my biggest fan! ily
            i’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the story. i’ll let you know when i plan on starting something new! i’d love your input and support <3. 
            for the next bit i’ve gotta focus on school and writing my thesis but hopefully ill have some time soon to brew some new ideas. 
            love you <3


@ mkayex  forgot to add I FEEL HONORED sorry with all the adjectives to describe you on my mind some must have gotten lost cause let's be real I clearly didn't praise my highness the queen of everything (like I said you multi talented being) enough <3


Nerds are lovable is the last chapter...
          L-l-last chapter.....I'm gonna cry my eyes out 
          I'm litteraly crying a  pool, a river, a torrent, a beach, a cascade, a sea an ocean.
          I love them sooooo much  
          It's soooo cute like cuteness overload I love them they're my favorite couple 
          Can't believe it ended...
          But I'm telling you they will live in my mind for ever I'm just gonna imagine anything and everything with them, at this point even them buying groceries will be interesting 
          And I would love a spin off with Emma and Jaxon :)
          Plus I need to know what happened to Fred and his date ;)
          And WOW a master in engineering  ºoº
          That awesome! I can't even fantome  the amount of work you have to manage for us to have those pépites ✨
          Well you are the nerd then ;) 
          And that's why Jayden wants to be an engineer and that Fred is one.. 
          OHH SO you just dropped that at the end.
          You smarty that's a plot twist in of its own<3
          Just to further assert you how Monroed (talented) you are I just reread the first chapter and there is some major character development wich is really hard to achieve so toutes mes félicitations 
          I might just have written an essay it's so long... anyway you're amazing I love you and admire you and have to thank you for this masterpiece<333


@ reading_mylife_away  
            I and all the readers would ABSOLUTELY LOVE an Emma/Jaxon spinoff their dynamic is something completely different and new to explore :)))
            And we would be able to see Haley and Jayden again in a different setting not as the main characters but as side ones we'll be able to see their relations with their friends and learn more about Emma's and Jaxon's families.
            I would personally ADORE some more chapters in Jayden's POV we do love our little nerd and can never get enough of him and Hayley. Plus we wanna know what's going on in that head of his :)
            If you think the first chapters need some editing I trust you if anyone knows what's best for Jayden and Hayley it's you ;)
            The epilogue is going to be awesomeeeee looking forward to it!!!!
            However you little engineer need to consentrate on whatever you're doing so no pressure <3
            I honestly feel honored that you consider talking about some ideas with me bestie <333
            and thx for following me I feel shy rn...
            Woke up saw it and grinned like a fool 
            LOVE YOU TOOOOOO<333333


GIRL I LVOE YOU SO MUCH!! your comments make my day!! i love that you love Jayden and Haley as much as I do!! They’ve had so mic development and i feel like i’ve developed as a writer as well (those first few chapters might need some editing lol). 
            i’m thinking of editing and adding some more Jayden pov from the beginning of their relationship so we can see how he feels. 
            ALSO I AM SO SAD THAT ITS OVER. if i could i would never end their story. it’s so unfair that it’s over :(((. i think the epilogue will resolve some concerns on Fred ;) and on how the Monroe’s have reacted. it’ll come out soon, promise :))). 
            heavily thinking doing the emma and jaxon spinoff. might have to talk to you about some ideas ;))). love you so much!!!


Also now that Nerds Are Lovable is complete I will lap be finishing Bad Boys Do Cry. I know I’ve had a lot of requests to finish and I feel awful that I’ve taken so long to do so. I just lost Hazels voice and didn’t want to keep writing when I didn’t have a clear vision. 
          kisses kisses!