
@TheRiverRunsDeep You're welcome... :)


Hey everyone, 
          This is just a quick update about whats been going on with me lately. 
          I Hate Fakers Sequel - Im trying my hardest to get some more writing done on this story. I got into a real rut with the storyline, and havent been able to crawl out of it - I love the characters, and I dont want to do the storyline an injustice by writing rubbish (plus, it wouldnt be fair to my fans either). I promise to try my hardest to write something.
          Cover Art - If there are any aspiring artists out there that wouldnt mind doing some cover art for the IHFS, please let me know. 
          New story - Ive started another story (I know, I know - I shouldnt start another story when I havent finished IHFS), but Im really feeling this storyline. Im going to post the first chapter and just see what the response is. So please let me know what you think.
          Thanks for sticking around... I know I have been slack about uploading, but I promise that I will start to make more of an effort...
          As always - Peace Out


@j-dubb Hey there... Thanks for that... I must admit that I haven't updated IHFS in waaayyyyy too long... I think I got into a writing rut with the story line and wasn't feeling the characters anymore. I actually wrote re-read IHF not that long ago, and I was like "wow, did I write that?"... Lol... I will have a read through IHFS and see if I get re-inspired.... Sorry about being so slack... And thanx for sticking around... KT


@ReadWriteMusic OMG, just to prove how scared of you I am, I just finished an update... Its probably a crap update, but hey its an update... Lol... Im super sorry about not updating... its been on the back of my mind for awhile, but Ive just been really busy with heaps of stuff - like saving kittens, feeding the poor, helping the homeless... pfft, ok Im lying... Ive just been lazy... hehehehe... Its cool when I get messages from you, because it really motivates me to hurry up and update... Wow, this must be the quickest update ever, like I wrote it in 2 hours... yay! score for me.. Ok, it doesnt help that Im watching E! at the mo... Anyways,thanks for the message... Love ya... KT


Hello. Well I just wanted to let you know that I am slightly upset with you. :[ I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for an update and what do I get? Chicken poop! Thats what I get! I haven't seen and update from you in months! It makes me cry a little inside because everyday I come on and i'm like... Hey? Maybe today will be the day that she decides to update her story. And then I get all excited but what do I get? NOTHING!
          So. If you don't update ASAP I will be coming after you and MAKING you update.
          Get working on these chap pies girly!
          Air :)