
the glory days of the fantastic beasts are coming. #nov18


Gosh, that description about yourself cracked me up!! Ur funny! Oh, and I LOVE ur username (readingwhenitrains) ^_~ Nice!


Yer welcome. ^_~ Speaking of rain, it just started raining here, too, where I live LOL!! How curious... XD Thank u so very much 4 following!!!!


No problem! I discovered one of your books through someone's reading list and you are very talented at writing historical fiction! I've never really read historical fiction other than school and never really been interested in it, but you make it so compelling and I'm going to keep reading when I find the time. 


I promise I'm working on the next chapters of SSS! When I write, I usually only write 100-700 words at a time. I don't like writing for long periods of time. Anyways.I like my chapters to be about 2500-3000 words. This next chapter will probably be above 3000 because it's so late (maybe 3500). It's coming, though, I promise! I'm currently at 2200. But I just started high school and am getting four hours of homework a night and I'm a freshman so it's really stressful.