
Happy Pride Month!


I recently started writing a Harry Potter fanfiction. Would have loved it if someone would check it out and maybe spread the word to other HP fans! It's currently called "Lyriel", but it might change as the story goes on.
          Chapter 2 is out now!


Hi, I just want to say that I really enjoy reading your stories and you are very talented. Keep up the good work, you are a really good writer. I wish that I could be as good as you one day. Btw I am new to wattpad and I am making a nonfiction book about how I am having depression.


Hello! I just wanted to inform you all that I’ve publisere a new book today. It’s a Harry Potter Fanfiction. Hope you guys check it out❤️
          I also wanted to say that I‘m sorry for being so inactive these last months. It’s just been a lot of things going on in my life. School has been hard and I recently lost someone important to me. I’m starting to get better though and I promise to be more  active from now on! 
          My Hamilton story is almost finished I think, I’m not sure if I’m going to add more chapters. Do you want more? 
          As you can also see, I’ve changed my profile a little. My picture is not of Carlos/Cameron Boyce anymore and the name on my profile says Ana instead of Carlos. This isn’t because I  don’t like Descendants or anything like that, I just needed a change and decided to make my account a bit more personal. Hope you’re all okay with that!
          Now I hope you’re all having a great December❤️
          ~Love, Ana


Hello! I have made a discord server called musicals if anyone want to join and talk about musicals. 


@ElizaSchuylur feel free to invite others that might want to join too.


Sure! Can u send me the invite?