It's mornings like this and songs like these that make me happy to be alive and have the people in my life that I do.
I'm not saying this randomly either.
Rm is nearly done with her chapter and she wakes me up at 5am with "Lis, get up, I want to get it dooooone.." So naturally, I did. And then I started playing the playlist that @adommy_vikklan made for me and nearly cried of happiness.
Even amidst the stress of exams, I'm happy like this because of the people I love and the people who love me.
So go outside and please, just, feel loved by someone and love them in return. Make yourself happy like that. Take a friend to Starbucks just for the sake of it and talk with them. Really talk.
Make yourself feel loved today, my people <3 .
~Lis x