
Sorry for how much time has passed since I last shared a new chapter of This Is Now. I’ve been crazy busy with assorted holiday things. Chapter 21 is partially drafted. I’ll keep working on it when time permits and hopefully post it before Christmas. Thanks for your patience! 


Sorry for how much time has passed since I last shared a new chapter of This Is Now. I’ve been crazy busy with assorted holiday things. Chapter 21 is partially drafted. I’ll keep working on it when time permits and hopefully post it before Christmas. Thanks for your patience! 


Hello, and Happy Halloween! 
          I’m battling a nasty bout of writer’s block. I know, I’s awful, right?  Between that issue and a jam-packed weekend, I may not post Chapter 16 of This Is Now until next week.
          Thank you for reading and voting and commenting up to this point.  I truly have the best readers. Please do me a solid and cross your fingers for me to get a burst of inspiration!