My regency romance novella "Loathing Persuasion" is now complete on here too! Crossing my fingers to get noticed and hopefully get it published!! To everyone who decides to read it, thank you! I love the characters so much and I hope to be able to tell more about them in the future!! ps. working on the book trailer!

@LucyAnnWrites Hii thank you so much!! With that word I mean either honestly, wattpad or other publishing house that lurks here for new young talents!! I've always dreamt of being a published author!! <33

@readpamelaisla Congrats on finishing!! Can't wait to binge the whole thing at some point (my schedule is virtually non-existent right now lol) and good luck with getting noticed! Also, I love watching book trailers, so I can't wait to see yours ♥️ What kind of 'noticing' (is that a word??) do you want for your book? Wattpad promo or general publishing promo? Just interested :)