
Updates on oc characters:
          	So I beens thinking and I am aware I have not finished the Valentine's story and haven't been active on Kingdoms and warriors oc Clans, I am deeply sorry about that I just been thinking and had a busy week
          	I was thinking about my oc characters and I was experimenting with them, as much as I am attached to their names and designs, I am making huge changes on them, I noticed some names are similar or copy and paste(sort of), examples are Light Shadow, Dark shadow and Shadow kitty and Shadow all having "shadow" and Foxheart and Foxtrap has "Fox" and I want names to fit their personalities, powers and appearance, not everyone will change their names like Blindheart because it fits her personality quite well and I imagine her being weird and questionable(so um don't ask why she has a collection of shovels somewhere) despite her name not being fire related, it still fits her, same with her design, I will not change anyone's design that much, just minor details so if Light Shadow who we will now call Ocean(water themed, a baby, a leader in The Chosen and might have a water themed appearance), I know it doesn't seem like it but it was the only candidate that fits him well and it was in my head, this will be the very last change and as for appearance will be minor changes and only a few has a lot or major changes in appearance or no changes at all, I know I said that it was before but I promised this is the last changes, so some will stay the same, some will have major changes both name and appearance while some are minor, it's kinda in between but that's an update for now for my oc characters*more in comments


@realcoolkittycat also I forgot to mention on the oc characters stories that the stories will remain the same with minor changes and once I finished update OC characters I will return to The Valentine's story hopefully before Saint Patricks day even though I'm not gonna do a Saint Patrick's Day story because of one of my phobias of leprechauns(you can thank that movie later and don't get me started with Elves on the shelves) and that I might not see Saint Patrick's Day the same as you guys do because of this fear and everything on Saint Patrick's Day scares me that I rather skip the day more then any other days


@realcoolkittycat Updates on Social Media:
          	  I have also got a Discord server with the help of my brother FNIA STUDIO, he use to be called Nathanisawasome on his YouTube channel but he didn't give me a full explanation on why he left the channel even though it's still up even though I asked but he says he plans on doing a reboot include new name and a new channel and made changes and is a game developer in the Five Nights In Anime visual story series which I just learn, if you want my discord please let me know and give me your discord name and I will find and invite you to the server, all updates will officially be on discord but I understand some of you don't have Discord so I will still give updates on here as well, please be aware I am abit new on discord and my brother who is the Co-Owner is helping me with this social media app otherwise that is all the updates for today


Updates on oc characters:
          So I beens thinking and I am aware I have not finished the Valentine's story and haven't been active on Kingdoms and warriors oc Clans, I am deeply sorry about that I just been thinking and had a busy week
          I was thinking about my oc characters and I was experimenting with them, as much as I am attached to their names and designs, I am making huge changes on them, I noticed some names are similar or copy and paste(sort of), examples are Light Shadow, Dark shadow and Shadow kitty and Shadow all having "shadow" and Foxheart and Foxtrap has "Fox" and I want names to fit their personalities, powers and appearance, not everyone will change their names like Blindheart because it fits her personality quite well and I imagine her being weird and questionable(so um don't ask why she has a collection of shovels somewhere) despite her name not being fire related, it still fits her, same with her design, I will not change anyone's design that much, just minor details so if Light Shadow who we will now call Ocean(water themed, a baby, a leader in The Chosen and might have a water themed appearance), I know it doesn't seem like it but it was the only candidate that fits him well and it was in my head, this will be the very last change and as for appearance will be minor changes and only a few has a lot or major changes in appearance or no changes at all, I know I said that it was before but I promised this is the last changes, so some will stay the same, some will have major changes both name and appearance while some are minor, it's kinda in between but that's an update for now for my oc characters*more in comments


@realcoolkittycat also I forgot to mention on the oc characters stories that the stories will remain the same with minor changes and once I finished update OC characters I will return to The Valentine's story hopefully before Saint Patricks day even though I'm not gonna do a Saint Patrick's Day story because of one of my phobias of leprechauns(you can thank that movie later and don't get me started with Elves on the shelves) and that I might not see Saint Patrick's Day the same as you guys do because of this fear and everything on Saint Patrick's Day scares me that I rather skip the day more then any other days


@realcoolkittycat Updates on Social Media:
            I have also got a Discord server with the help of my brother FNIA STUDIO, he use to be called Nathanisawasome on his YouTube channel but he didn't give me a full explanation on why he left the channel even though it's still up even though I asked but he says he plans on doing a reboot include new name and a new channel and made changes and is a game developer in the Five Nights In Anime visual story series which I just learn, if you want my discord please let me know and give me your discord name and I will find and invite you to the server, all updates will officially be on discord but I understand some of you don't have Discord so I will still give updates on here as well, please be aware I am abit new on discord and my brother who is the Co-Owner is helping me with this social media app otherwise that is all the updates for today


A quick update irl:
          So recently or should I say a past few days, my  tablet started to die on me, a million times so you might say "well then charge it, its dead." Well yes and no for any of those comments, yes it dies not on 0% but early as 63 and 70% and does this a lot to the point where it uses a charger everyday and it causes problems a lot so hopefully on Christmas I get an updated one to do my projects on, now I have to use my other tablet(I have two but they're not the same thing, ones a keyboard tabet and the other is just a tablet tablet)
          Unfortunately when I downloaded my app I had to figure out a way to transfer my projects because the app does not restore once downloaded onto a different device...


@realcoolkittycat The app I use is FlipaClip which is a great animation/art making app, good for beginners and easy to use then all those other apps so a few steps which took me a while to figure out on this specific app, you need to press down the project you want, press share and I will recommend file manager+ easy to use and transfer and make sure you have an sd card and put it on then next device, make sure it has  both the apps(FlipaClip and file manager+) transfer the files over then touch them, then press FlipaClip as one of their options and then its all done, thats how you transfer between devices on this app, unfortunately I cannot help restoring projects as this is only for switching devices and to help those who struggle to do this on FlipaClip like I have done
            Now this could also effect stories on Wattpad as it involves a keyboard and I know in the past the keyboard screen just blocks everything, so please excuse any spelling issues, my tablet tablet, could show promise in doing stories im just not really sure how to type on a screen like a phone can, I will try my best on working on my stories could.
            I don't think it will affect my artwork that much because I use a screen to draw, I also decided to do ClanGen, I played this game for a long time(except I failed with AshClan with only a family tree running it, I was only doing a clan description challenge, I cant allow outsiders in the clan because its AshClan and they reject outsiders) and I got inspired by someone named flypaw on denvartart to do it but of course I had to do different clans then Wattpad so I am doing SmokeClan, TwigClan, BoneClan, PineClan and DeadClan, rules will be in description of each along with each clan description, I do plan on a comic series just don't knows yet but that's all for now


Updates for oc characters stories:
          New character designs are finished and done with new character traits or character development, I had so many projects and so much happened irl to the point where i couldn't work on them, like stepping on glass(im better now, just with a scar and feels tender still) and regents and school stuff as well as taking my brother to work and so much more but anyway onto the characters, I did remove Shade(ik I never introduce her and that none of you have met her but she has red eyes and is basically a Hover and Shadow combine) because I wasn't sure what to do with her and added 3 more because why not, I got them stuck in my head and I decided to draw them and they all have a reason of why like having an opposite trio of the main trio because of Hover(as in personalities abd characters traits), I would explain them all but I have about 39 in total and some I don't know how to explain them but some kept their design(Blue flame and Vicious) and any with scars were added with scar outlines(basically separating the fur and their scars for example Blindheart scars and Phantomblaze scars), I finish both covers on Kingdoms and oc characters stories, they didn't change much, I Just removed Phantomblaze since she is no longer the main protagonist while in the oc characters stories just fixed Light shadow's head tuft and recolored Coolkittycat's pelt, I do plan on changing the stories in oc characters stories because of everyone characters changes and development, so different stories(or the same) will happen(i think I mentioned short stories just along they don't past the 7000 mark then part 2 or #2 will happen), this is the updates for the characters and oc characters stories for now, I don't plan on changing them ever again even though there is one newest member who's design didn't came out like I saw in my head, his change wont happen but that's all for now


Updates on Kingdoms:
          I have been thinking about this for a while about the story, while remaking new designs(currently on Clever and soon will go to Claw soon once I figure out the color schemes I want on the background of her character sheet), I gotten character development while working on everyone(and yet I still dunno about Midnight and I'm done with his design) this include story, just like The Starving Quest(on BrokenClan), I will switch to a different page to work on, I don't want to go through the old pages and somehow I miss something, I will keep cover until designs are ready and speaking of designs, I did though of changing family ocs designs becuz of genetic reasons, I am not a professional at genetics and it is hard to do so any genetics to me is now based on kin as in not just the parent but  also the ancestors as well instead of BB or bb or something, some will keep their pelt colors like Jake but he past on that one paw gene to two of his daughters(and maybe the 3 other kittens he have)...*more in comments*


@realcoolkittycat and Citra who just past his red eyes gene to his kittens, The Chosen powers is kinda like genetics but past down to one child then the next one child instead of a whole litter and the ancient seers(Shadow and Rain Ancestors), passed down their abilities to an entire litter to the next(The Chosen isn't the only group of cats with special abilities, other group of cats have to too or just one cat even though it's just these two groups for now) now back to the story, sometimes for me character development effects their story and personality and even stereotypes(I give every oc character a stereotype base on personality and who they are as a person), some major changes in Kingdoms is Storyline, sometime I like conflicts or something at Chapter 10 like or battle or something, this will give people a chance to meet the main protagonist and get to know them  before the oc character story,(for example from Blindheart spoiled bratty princess and bully to a confused kinda but clingy to the cat who saved her life and wants to be his friend and regrets being mean to him to a determined cat with a dream to a jealous kitty with a fear of being replaced by her best friend after a new member joins to a motherly figure, cool mom but also sometimes a savage) however some  character development will not show as it will be in other books,(an up coming book "Blindheart's Voice" may show her becoming a determined dreamer to a motherly figure, this might come after Light shadow's Quest), this update is mostly about characters development in storyline and new genetics designs, this is all for now in the update and I do plan a prologue before the entire Kingdoms event happen which should explain the lore I had about Citra and Jake with Snow but when this will happen I don't know but that's all for now


updates on Eye of the Storm/Starving quest
          I was thinking about this for a while, so I decided to add major changes just like I did to my oc characters which I'm almost done(working on Ghost again sadly because my app glitched and messed it up the moment I finished), instead of the tornado it's famine(extreme shortage of food) in BrokenClan, I thought about changing it into an avalanche but there are no mountains or anything related and earthquakes I would have to change the map and I have no idea if land recovers from an earthquake, I'm not working on another map again so no twolegs destructions as let's just say it happen long ago back in the old clans, I will leave the old story up and won't unpublish until the new one is completed, maybe one day the tornado will return but idk, also instead of doing alligances after chapters, main characters in one clan is after 5 chapters, main characters in more then one clan is 10 chapters but if new characters or any deaths happens or any changes happen in those or anyone clans, the BrokenClan deputy is still evil(and a group of rouges and is the remain of FalconClan) and still tells the story of how BrokenClan became a heredity leadership clan under Brokenstar's descendants, so yes a Ravenstar and yes whoever her kits are, also the changes of characters would make sense, I like the characters but I'm not too attached and something happen in google docs which messed the characters up as in who is the character and what is the character role in the  story, these are the updates for now 


updates to oc characters storys:
          So after some thinking, I decided to add facts to each chapter, this is incase of any confusions or confirms and just learn more about my oc characters or maybe behind the scenes, I don't really know how to explain it but I think you'll get the idea


updates for Dawn of Shadows/Eye of the Storm:
          Allegiance is finally finished, I made changes to The Story including some characters like Pigeonkit is no longer adventurous instead is just a nervous kit who tags along with Spiderkit and Squirrelkit, when looking at the plot and Ravenkit's story, I decided that this arc will show how BrokenClan become a heredity leadership clan, unlike how the clans came to be arc before I return to this as the first arc, I thought gonna explained how each clan became their own different clan with different facts and abouts(another name for facts and trivia) because it may happen in the future or different leaderships or certain effects that may effect the clan, AshClan becoming closed to outsiders may happen in the next arc. Something about each clan leader, they all define their own clan, HopeClan is peaceful making Hopestar peaceful, BrokenClan is a hereditary leadership clan which I decided Brokenstar to be old-fashioned/traditional, MapleClan is well, I wanna describe it as brute strength but MapleClan is more based on strengths and skills, making Maplestar powerful and strong, AshClan is mysterious making Ashstar mysterious and DeathClan is bloodthirsty making Deathstar bloodthirsty. Since the arc is based around a dangerous storm where the winds lower it's spinning clouds to the ground and destroy BrokenClan's territory, I thought the name would make more since as Eye of the Storm then Dawn of Shadows so I decided to change that, instead of just having BrokenClan struggle in one book, I make them struggle trying to recover their clan in the entire arc, BrokenClan's deputy, as the villain he is, since a certain clan leader is missing, might not do anything about recovering his clan, if he did then he will do everything the wrong way, I also might change the map by landmarks only, so it isn't plain, this is the update for now, that's all for now


updates on warrior cats oc clans:
          After a while of thinking, I decided to return to Dawn of Shadows, I think doing a leader perspective is good but I have been getting ideas of Brolenstar's 7 kits that I can't get out of my head that is starting to return with the tornado and Brokenstar going missing and more, for example Harekit becomes medicine cat from an injury and Squirrelkit is a Hawkfrost, manipulative and power-hungry but more bloodthristy to the point where he wants to take over all the clans with kin.  He succeeded with one of his littermates that isn't Ravenkit who became Ravenstar of BrokenClan which got Squirrelkit even more desperate to lead a clan with his kin taken over. Ravenkit will return as the main character, however characters may have to change due to the story, like who will be Ravenkit's friend turn lover to her second but isn't a good mate and follower of the current deputy. So major changes from every character and  from now on during the stories, The Rise of the Clans make a cameo by clan history like how the clans happen and even the prologue gets a cameo from the last book of the arc that was supposed to have the scene but was never made, Falconstar ends up in the dark forest(the first dark forest cat but not from all the clans since he lead a false clan, he doesn't count as the first dark forest cats of all the clans), *more in comments*


@realcoolkittycat I'm returning back to the bloodthristy leaders ideas and the rebellion creating the new clan instead of different destructive events. I also sadly canceled the clans sets ideas because I realized while planning and trying to work on my main clans, I might not be able to keep track of the clans, so the old clans fells for good but ProudClan and LongClan are still getting revenge in the next arc with Pigeonfoot and whoever is the other clan leaders kits, right now Hopestar has a mate and might be expecting which is unknown yet, she a mate from a got former FalconClan cat who joined her clan in the end of Rise of the Clans and so did Ashstar but is unknown for his original plans with his mate from DeathClan but was killed by Deathstar leading to him being distant to his kits who joined his clan or his new story with a mate in AshClan and is expecting kits, I might have to generate it, Maplestars and Brokenstar have kit and Deathstar is unknown yet of her family lines, I do plan of giving each leader a family tree with descendants, since BrokenClan leadership is hereditary, I thought it would make since for them all to have descendants, this is the announcement for now of the stories for now 


updates on warrior cats oc clans/reborn:
          i decided to change some stuff up with clans#1 (with AnimalClan and almost half of the old clans before my main), so i decided against the idea of using Clangen to make Reborn(what is going to be called), well playing the game, i noticed relationships down to the timeskip and i never used that and i already made it to moon 5 so, i never really used it, whenever a cat gets a mate i always check who and i pick randon except medicine cats, including affairs, another reason is that when playing before AnimalClan, i used it to help me create characters for example to Twistednight wanted millions of mates and kits, i actually gotten that from Clangen, don't remember if it was from HopeClan or AshClan but i had a leader with so many babies that its a family filled clan like BrokenClan leadership heredity, i will continue this with Clangen, it really helps alot with ideas for characters and another reason that its random like completely *more in comments*


@realcoolkittycat if there a character i might be interested in and they died, i cant bring them back to life even if i tried, also because of the moons and updating ranks, everything is randon, including a kit going "meow meow meow meow" which i had  a kit had that and i had a kit with "oops" which i thought was really funny and completely randon, yes i am aware of it being like a generator and thats ok, i'll only use it a character development ideas like Twistednight, its not because it's randon, it just takes time to do it and piece it together without getting ahead of myself of the game, so it will be just like original stories but unlike my main clans, its not a challenge, my main clans was just a fun challenge i was doing with events and characters(don't know if i mentioned that or not), kinda like the clan generator challenge but with events generators and many generators for characters(even though i use ClanGen but some generators don't have any description at all), this will be all for now, feel free to ask questions


Updates for Kingdoms/oc characters storys:
          Major changes, firstly, there might be spelling errors, I tried not to spell things wrongs, I haven't check, the book does seem old to me for some reason even, I wrote it back to Chapter 20 back in 2022 then I started to post it last year and updated it to Chapter 6 or 7(some reason I think it's glitching on me where I think I didn't post it), there is also serveal mistakes I have noticed like Blindheart's age, shes suppose to be the youngest and the timeline is might be a little messy(like  another thing is the cover and character designs, I am currently changing my oc designs because of well, this may effect the characters stories too because of the cover too but the whole reason I started to change it because in the oc characters stories since I can see my characters in my mind coming up with a story, I always somehow mixed up Coolkittycat's paw(no idea what color, pinkish-silver maybe), always switched around the paw, also because of Scarlet who has the opposite paw so thats how the changes happen, also because those designs are old, I did fix that with her pelt looking like a little bit like blood red the reddish orange, except blood red was too dark so I made it lighter but she was probably borned with darker fur then grew lighter along the way, I'm not confirming it yet, but some haven't changed at all which I haven't got too far yet to know who but it's possible to be Blue flame to might stay the same but it depends and some only changed a little bit like Light shadow who only had his head tuft change from looking somewhat spikey to me to smooth and soft and some just changed completely like Stormy who had more shade of green then ever and the star on his forehead no longer matches his eyes but is half of...*more in the comments, they should really add numbers in the corner which tels the limits of words or something*


@realcoolkittycat one thing I forgot to mentioned, certain cat names are changing but only for the backstory characters like Aarush is now Blaze and Ashbel is now Ashley, I thought these names fit them, maybe more will change but not my oc characters, also in the allegiance for oc characters stories, I finally found a name for Blindheart's grandfather, he is now called Sharpclaws which popped up while revising Chapter 1 of Kingdoms hensing names like "Sharptooth, Sharpteeth or Sharpfang" from Flame


@realcoolkittycat   both lighter and darker green(this maybe added to Phantomblaze and Fluffy but isn't half of each color), I will not change any pelt colors unless it's darker or lighter and shade so no going from gray to suddenly black, also I added bit more character development like for some reason Stormy has a bit of a crush on Coolkittycat(who never notices and doesn't sense anything about his love for her because he can hide it) and I definitely blamed Edward from Castle cats with Catniss(I play Castle cats that has the new Valentines event and this idea literally happen, dunno why), also some designs are very old to me, I am now making scars with outlines like I do with sparse furred cats and burnt scars, I have drawed sparse fur cats for my warrior ocs before while I drew Burns who was originally a warrior cats oc character with many burnt scars, some reason I thought about giving Cloverblood a karen cut instead of being all fluffy because shes um a *cough, cough* karen *cough, cough* right now I'm on Phantomblaze, I will leave the cover for now but I will come back to update it, also Phantomblaze is no longer the main character in the Kingdoms story and is just a mystery but I will keep the quote "It was just an accident" in the story, but shes important in the story, this will be all for now, I won't put pictures with the chapter or upload the cover until all my oc characters been changed, same with changing the allegiances, this will be the update for both stories, feel free to ask questions