Okie I was writing on my Nightmare story and I keep remembering these dreams I'm having and it seems really weird because I used to always help my grandfather out in the farm and I still do, we feed animals, collect eggs, literally anything a farm does and all that but I keep having these dreams that I'm over there and we are gonna feed animals so I go into the building with the food and crap but when we go to feed the 'animals' they aren't animals they are creatures and they don't bother me either it's like I know they are there but they are human like experiments of some sort. I've had this dreams almost every night but it's blurry, It's conserning me is it trying to take me to a flashback or is it a warning or just a normal nightmare. I didn't post this on my nightmare book because I don't really know what I would put since it wasn't really a nightmare...So what are you're ideas?