Hey did anyone of my reader had a problem with wisdom tooth cuz mine which started aching yesterday is currently aching if I move my Jaw even a little and I slept 2 hours after my class cuz of the pain
hey everyone my laptop will go for repair in next 2 hours so I will be offline for some time and I cannot write my fanfic for the time it is gone for preparation so pls bare with me
hey so hannah is 2 weeks older than me so should I call her Hannah nee-san,just hannah or hannah sama. AND i need honest answer what would you do if you were instead of me
a youtuber by the name of RyuuSAMA has been using @mimosaBF work without giving proper credit, if you see this message, i request you give proper credit on your videos.
Thank you for giving my crappy fanfic 200 reads i am writing the next part but before somethings happned in my pc and lost around 1k words would upload as soon as possible as currently my exams are going on