
It’s been over two years since I’ve posted anything — things are brewing, and I hope you’ve all been itching for more bikers 


@reallybeesmith Looking forward to more of your amazing biker stories.
          	  Take care, Rayne


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Hi @reallybeesmith ! Idk if you’re going to finish Fight or not but I read down the comments & saw they changed your meds a few months ago. Idk what the meds are for but I take quite a few for epilepsy, anxiety & depression; I know that they can make your head fuzzy & in my case sometimes I lose the thread of any sort of inspiration I had. So I want to say that I hope you are doing okay with whatever is going on. I hope that the meds are working & treating you well. And if/when you decide to write again I will be totally stoked. Yes, I just used the cringe word “stoked” because I am old enough to know better & still young enough not to give a shit. Seriously though, take care.


I just read Children Of The Fire.   Omg!!  It was such a good book.  The writing was absolutely awesome. It had my emotions all over the place ( In a good way). You are very talented, I can't wait to read more of your work.  .  I hope all is well in your life.   


There WILL be a chapter of Fight out this week-- I apologize for the delay, I've started some new medication that has me struggling to write at the moment. I'm feeling better, writing is becoming a little bit easier, but I've been in a slump lately and have been unable to write. I finished the next chapter yesterday, I'm going to have my bestie proofread it for me, and it will be published before the weekend, I can promise you that! I'm working on trying to get everything finished up, because I'm almost positive there will be less than 10 chapters left!! We're nearing the end, y'all! Thanks so much for sticking with me when my updates have been so sporadic. You guys are the best.


Hi my friends, I wanted to let everyone know that I haven't been able to write as quickly as normal these past few weeks, my son has been out of school all this week and it has definitely put a damper on my normal writing schedule. I'm hoping to have a chapter out next week! Thank you for your patience, I'm grateful for you all!!


Hi Bee! My Hearty TQSM for guiding me to Mark My story as COMPLETED! Thanks for your help & Guidance again ❤


You’re so welcome!!! I hope you get more reads, I know when I marked my first story complete it gained a ton of readers! Best of luck to you and don’t hesitate to ask for help or questions! 
            xoxo bee


It's Friday! Which means...
          A new chapter of FIGHT will be out in just a few hours :)


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Fuck yes!!! 