Am I still alive? Yes, luckily. Do I still think about Chronicles of Mystery? Yes, very much, I hope you do too. Do I have any actual time to dedicate to Wattpad right now? No, not very much. But I shall come back, like Jesus, except less awaited I guess, but to each their own. People have unsubscribed from my account, which I find very offensive, I shall hunt them down til their death. Sure there might not have been anything interesting posted on my account since six months ++ but uh... I actually have nothing to convince you you should stay subscribed, except my... personal amazingness maybe? Isn't that convincing? Seriously though, since I've stopped writing I've thought of six more genocides and several more ways to traumatize my characters, as well as more occasions to display my epic humorous qualities, which are to be revered. I've also learned valuable things that have made my cultural knowledge even more complete, such as the exact way Louis XIV died, which is by literally rotting from the inside as his leg rapidly turned completely black from the gangrene and, because he had diabetes, a thick film of sugar covered his arteries and prevented him from feeling anything there! Such useful insight that you shall share too! He truly is the best king in the world. And had a longer reign than Elizabeth II, in your face Britain, I swear if she had lived three years longer I would have rioted. Anyway, byyyye, have a good day.