
I'm finally done with my big final exams! I just have an oral exam coming up but after that, I'll be entirely free to devote myself to reviews and exchanges for a little while. Thank you for your patience! 
          	On a side note, I'm writing right now about young Alistair, his past (yes it finally gets revealed but not now) and, to be honest, I'm comparing the two characters, how he acts now that he is older and, let me tell you, he is a loooot softer than he used to be. I almost can't believe the level of aggression I manage to fit into each of his dialogues.


I'm finally done with my big final exams! I just have an oral exam coming up but after that, I'll be entirely free to devote myself to reviews and exchanges for a little while. Thank you for your patience! 
          On a side note, I'm writing right now about young Alistair, his past (yes it finally gets revealed but not now) and, to be honest, I'm comparing the two characters, how he acts now that he is older and, let me tell you, he is a loooot softer than he used to be. I almost can't believe the level of aggression I manage to fit into each of his dialogues.


this message may be offensive
Haven't updated in a while, I'm caught with my final exams next week but I wanted to get some chapters out. They're not my best ones, they're okay at best. I'm going to tell you the truth: they are boring, very boring. So boring that you'll want to curse but you won't be able to because you don't know my full name. 
          Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. I'll use a bad metaphor to explain: the first one is like a big bad shit you have to take, you know it's going to be terrible to get it out but you have to do it anyway. That's why I'll try to post two today, at least one of them will be interesting. And the second one even has, behold, dialogue! Wow, so much action! I'm shivering behind my screen like the little adrenaline-filled punk that I am. I'm so hip, like the young people say.


@ DeejayDJ010  Yeah, some of mine too but I pretend like I don't see it


@rebecca_batteur Good portion of my views are from myself.. so don't want votes to be that way


@rebecca_batteur It's too tempting to do that.. but I've not done it


Okay, so I just need to make this announcement really quick. I haven't updated Chronicles of Mysteries in a while, not because I don't want to anymore but because I have been particularly busy these last few weeks. It'll be a few more weeks until I'm completely free to do all my late assignments, including the reviews I ought to make. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten, I just have to focus on other things for now. 
          I also wanted to say something more important. In a few months, maybe in August or September, I'll be going on a long hiatus, this means I won't update anymore and won't participate in exchanges like before but I will complete the ones I've started before that. I'll also give up on reviews (not before completing the ones I've already agreed to do). 
          This isn't bad news, nothing terrible is happening to me. This is actually great for my future. This is a bit personal, so you don't have to read it if you don't want to. I'll be graduating in less than a month and my exams are coming very soon. I also already know I've been accepted into the school of my dreams but it'll ask me to work non-stop for two years. I obviously won't have the time to properly be on Wattpad. This doesn't mean I'll be gone forever, hopefully, and I still have a few months before me. 
          I just wanted to give some kind of warning, I guess and also an age reveal I suppose? 
          Have a good day and thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my story! I appreciate your dedication and I want you to know that this project won't be abandoned any time soon, hopefully.


@rebecca_batteur No worries I’m just rather shocked by your talent compared to your age:P


@LiebeKlara :), sorry I guess. If you want, you can think of me as an imaginary person who's not actually real. Maybe I'm just a robot and lied to all of you


A complete draft of Chronicles of Mystery volume 1 is approximately done (for the fourth time or something) and we're up to a total of more than 500 pages! Wow. It's... somewhat of an accomplishment. I've changed the story a bunch of times but I feel like this time might be the closest to the final product. I guess I'll see. I still need to change a few details about the last part but it's essentially finished I suppose. I don't know how you will find it when you get to read it. It's not perfect yet I fear.


@hrb264 Thank you! It's nice to hear


Okay, so, there are a few things I haven't done yet that I need to do, and I'll get to that soon, but I have updated Chronicles of Mystery. From my totally unbiased point of view, I can tell you that this chapter is very unique. To be completely honest, it's not a bad chapter, you can insights (kind of) into the backstories of both Alistair and Lucy (finally, you might say). There are emotions, crying, someone takes their clothes off, it's amazing. It's dramatic, with heavy descriptions because you know me. Why write about something if you don't tell the writers exactly what it smells and tastes like, even if it's hair? Also, I never thought I would get this fast to this part so... This is a little bit scary.


So, nothing really interesting to say (no new chapter, don't worry, one time a week is enough for me too). I've just decided that it would be better to put Chronicles of Mystery as a mature story (maybe you've noticed but it wasn't like this before).
          I thought I could avoid it for the first volume, though I knew that volume two (if it ever sees the light of day) would inevitably be not very PG13 if you get what I mean. I thought that I could keep volume one non-mature but it seems like my unquenchable thirst for blood cannot be stopped (or maybe I just don't do enough to stop it). Okay, listen, given the last very bloody scenes I've written, I've came to the conclusion that this was maybe not very kid-friendly (like being turned into a robot through a Frankenstein-like transformation is). I couldn't stop myself from being extra-dramatic and adding very mature content (it's not erotica, I wouldn't be able to write erotica, even if my life depended on it, my writing would be way too awkward and I wouldn't have the last idea of what to write). 
          But, listen, how many fictional murders does it take for it to count as an actual murder? Because that's the real question here (if you have an answer, email it to me so I can try to put down the mass murders I've created).


Three weeks in a row! It almost feels like I'm starting to get used to keeping my engagements, maybe one day it will come. 
          So, this chapter... It's a chapter, that's a true statement. It's fine, it's funny I guess, maybe you will giggle while reading it, maybe you'll find it so funny you'll want to accept me as your patron god and forward all your salary to my bank account (just a random suggestion). There's a new character (again). He's interesting, not that much relevant but he's at least fun to be around. Don't worry, you'll get his purpose soon. Also, I'm doing a bit of fancy foreshadowing here, try and spot it, it'll become clearer soon and I'll get to have my big brain moment because I'm so smart. 
          Also, don't mind the new character speaking weirdly, it's meant to be like this.


@LiebeKlara I apologize... But at least, you won't run out of new things to read right now.


Please don’t update so fast patron goddess, as my peasant brain can’t follow 


I return way sooner than ever, this time with barely a week between two chapters. Look at me following my engagements, I almost look responsible (we're not talking about this one review that I still haven't done and that I'm postponing until I've reached the 3 months limit). Review what? Never heard of it. 
          So, this chapter focuses on David so obviously it's good, by definition. To be honest, I hope I portrayed him okay here, I was VERY dramatic in this chapter. Over the top? Maybe, but I embraced it. Why resist the madness when you can pretend like it's not a problem until it actually is? 
          Ladies and gentlemen, we have some foreshadowing sprinkled here and here, make theories if you want, I would love you to do theories. David is cool, there's a fight scene in this and it has, wait for it, A C T I O N. Described heavily, of course, because, why not? So my unbiased advice is for you to read it and accept me as your personal lord and savior. I accept donations.


@LiebeKlara Don't worry, m y s t e r i e s are for everyone. You can still wear proudly the label.


Wow look at this, I am seven chapters behind now! Can I still call myself a peasant of m y s t e r i e s? 


@alpaljames Thank you for being understanding!


Wow, look at this! A new chapter and it only took me *checks* more than one month to post it! I don't know why I don't just take the time to publish it when it's already written. What can I say about this chapter? Read it? It's amazing? I HOPE it's amazing? I honestly don't know how to rate this chapter. There's action in it? It's not boring I think. There's a new character in it that you don't know yet about. Oh, actually, there's two new characters. That's a lot of characters, isn't it? 
          And now I'm up to 45 chapters! I don't know why, but this number feels very pretty to me. It looks even. I like it.


@LiebeKlara ... Yeah, it might be. Honestly, I didn't think it would be THIS long, I thought volume 1 would end way sooner and now I don't know how to divide it to make it shorter but still a compelling story... I feel like, if I just keep going, maybe it'll turn out okay somehow.


@rebecca_batteur Do you think it’s better to divide Chronicles of Mystery into a series, Rebecca? :D I feel like it’s too long for Wattpad already lol