
/*   a cute, happy, good okigo thought chain [ so he can catch a break ♡ ]


•   really really /really/ pretty [ and older ] people make him a bit weak in the knees and red in the face.


•   when he does something like cook and he's really concentrated,  he'll stick his tongue out a little


•   his sneezes are probably little and quiet and cute.


"  i'd me more *delighted* if you spouted some sensible reasonings in regards to your  ..  unruly behavior.  "


            "being sensible is /so/ dull,  though~  where's the spark?  where's the fun?"  the samurai smirked,  showing off teeth which he swiped his tongue against.  "don't lie to me,  sweetheart.  i know you missed me and my insensibility."


won’t you help instead of just standing there.


            [   with a dramatic exhale,  he stretched his arms above his head after adara informed him that he was finished.  then he was back to giving his usual smirk.   ]   yes~  that sounds nice.  let's talk...  oh,  how about what you said just now?  that i am strong annnnddd...?


                    strong,  and handsome.   [   adara would indulge okigo with compliments today,  as once he settles the last few boxes.  her hand fall against his chest as she leans forward.   ]   yes!  see,  it wasn’t that hard right?  now we can just talk.


            i /AM/ rather strong,  aren't i~?   [   okigo stood up straight with the boxes in his arms and leaned against his chest.  he gave adara a wink before doing as he was told and setting the boxes where adara instructed.   ]   is that all?  


you didn’t think i’d actually let that slide,  did you,  okigo?


            maybe i will!   [   okigo stated matter-of-factly.  this was,  of course,  a lie.  he rather not mess around with the knights too much.  he /is/ a wanted criminal,  after all.  it'll be best if he keeps to himself.  with a light smile,  he pointed to his own lips.   ]   oh...  just a small kiss...  surely that won't be too much trouble for you to give?


                     you can take that with the one who trains them,  they aren’t my responsibility.  all my apprentices are well taught.   [   a smug expression falls onto her expression,  prideful in her students as they’ve given a reason for her to be proud of.   ]   and what’s that?  i’m not buying you another bouquet of flowers.  the last of them died already. 


            hah!  that sounds like a serious issue.  they should really be trained better!  you never know when /withstanding such constant nonsense/ may prove useful!   [   he had started grinning but,  when adara mentioned pouting,  he pouted /yet again/.   ]   mm-hm...  and only one thing will make it better..


oh,  dear me.  was that really necessary? 


            ahhh~  my /lovely/ adara wants flowers.  is that what you are saying?  hmm...  we'll see.  maybe if she says what kind of flowers she wants out loud,  she'll get them.   [   he teased,  letting her lean into him.  he pulled her closer so he could press a hand to her back and rub slow circles against her clothing.   ]  


                    [  she sits comfortably finally,  leaning into the other now as her eyes close.  perhaps it wasn’t worth it to stres over okigo’s antics anymore.   ]   that’s fine,  as long as you pretend i won’t have any issues with it.  also,  i wouldn’t mind a bouquet of flowers myself tomorrow,  just a suggestion. 


this message may be offensive
            my eyes are only for you,  my dear adara~   [   the samurai gave a shit eating grin and then shuffled a little closer when he was tugged in that direction.  loosely,  he hugged onto her and then tilted his head.  eventually he sighed and rolled his reddish hues.   ]   fine.  i'll apologize.  but,  just know that i'm not sorry so i won't mean it.


the melusine had reported an issue regarding your actions.    i'd like for you to elaborate what had occurred.   unless you'd insist on being stubborn,   i can publicly discipline you.
          ∗⠀⠀okigo teyvat domination 


            sorry,  sorry!  i'll be quiet riiiight now.   [   okigo immediately shut his mouth then,  though a smile remained on his lips the entire time.  unfortunately for the other man,  he wasn't quiet for very long.  he simply couldn't /help/ himself.   ]   sooo~  are you free after this whole court thing?  i'd be happy to get dinner with you,  sir.  you know.  like a date!   [   he sure had a lot of confidence,  asking this poor guy out while handcuffed and headed to court.   ]   


⟮cecillion felt as though a vessel was about to pop,   he can't just shut his lips can't he?   how infuriating..   as they walked out and proceeded to head to the court,   it was then that cecillion firmly spoke.⟯ ⠀ silence.    can you hold that pathetic mouth of yours for even just a few minutes?   you've plenty time to utter nonsensical comments inside my office until we issue this in court.


            theft...  murder...  assault...  there's probably more that i'm forgetting.  oh well.   [   the samurai's reddish hues gleamed and the smile that accompanied his words was somehow eerie and uncomfortable to look at.   when he felt his wrists being cuffed,  his grin only got wider and he lifted his arms up to look at them closer.   ]   wow~  pretty high quality!  hey,  now what?  where do all the prisoners here go,  hm?  oh!  or will i be executed or something?  wouldn't that be a fun time...  


you   ..   can’t just pass out like that   ,   geez   —   stop looking at me like that   .   of course i was worried   .


..   shut up before i kick you outside   .   i couldn’t help it   ,   even if you were just tired   ,   you passed out suddenly   .


            dawww..  i can't believe what i'm hearing!  you.  worried about lil' ol' me.  i was just tired ~  that's all!


i find you unbearable.


            and okigo?  he remained where he was,  head only moving when he was punched.  after he was hit,  all he did was grin again,  swiping his lower lip with the pad of his thumb.   "ahaha ~  i really thought you were bluffing!"  the samurai still seemed more amused than anything. 


@rebelledson         “ it might be you who will regret it,  provoking me has ended well for others. ”   the platinum-haired woman narrowed her eyes,  a singular hand moving to punch the samurai,  movement quicker than an average human.  


            only okigo was the type of person to grin even /larger/ after hearing that sort of threat.  he even leaned down and in a little bit,  putting his face far closer to hers than before.  "go on,  then.  let's see if you can live up to such a statement." 


it's far too early,    okigo..


            is that a no?  come on!  just my hand,  at least? 


w̲h̲a̲t̲?̲?̲      why would..     would i ever kiss you?!


            revennn!  you are so cruel to me.  </3  fine.  if you give me a kiss,  i'll buy you breakfast. 