
Hey sweethearts❤,
          	Listen I unpublished a few books. But they will be back up tommroow. Just taking some time to evaluate my life. Stay Beautiful Huns


You need to leave me alone. My life is none of your business. And I'm proud to be pans because it's who I am and I'm not some fake like you. I at least come out about who I am. And Christinia like guys and only guys. Stay the heck out of my life. Live your own, oh wait, my bad, you don't have one.


this message may be offensive
@xXStrange_EmoXx Okay Sativa your wish is my command i didnt start anything, i messaged you wanting to ask about how you were doing considering you right about death and shit and incase you didnt know i went to foster care because i tried to take my life so your wrong i have a damn good like so i hope you can keep you nose out of my business have agood day hun


i swear if u hack me again i do it 2 u and delete storys


@demonhunter2000 huh??? change what bac?