Why I have not been updating...
Hey guys, so i guess i should explain myself, with why i have no updated, or hardly updated for a while now. Truth is, i feel low. Low with life. And i guess that i just making me loose interest with writing. Don't get me wrong, i adore writing for you guys, it brings me happiness. I have been in to writing as a kid and i hope to have a career of it one day. But... I just feel like people do not like my stories anymore. I mean i feel like i just update for the hell of it? I don't know. Anyway. Things are hard at the moment with school as i am in my final year, please do not take it personally, as i hardly have time for most people in my life anymore. Including my best friend as my whole time is just revolved around school now. I know in some ways that makes me a bad person. But its happening. I am trying to spend time with the people i love but school is just stopping me from having communication with people as they are dropping a load of course work and home work on me and i am just up to my eye balls in it. Anyway, i am going to get back in to writing, and i will be seeing people that i love again, including my best friend. I know i hurt her not seeing her for weeks and weeks on end, and i feel bad for it. But i am changing and going to make time for people in my life and for you guys with the updates. Anyway, stay happy. Not crappy, life's a bitch, don't quit. Love you all bye.