HAPPY NEW YEAR LOVELIESS!!! <3 new chapter (hopefully) coming soon...
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HAPPY NEW YEAR LOVELIESS!!! <3 new chapter (hopefully) coming soon...
HAPPY NEW YEAR LOVELIESS!!! <3 new chapter (hopefully) coming soon...
https://discord.gg/Gz6TYJbc Here is the link since I've heard it expired =') again, I am not an expert in Didcord, so announce me when something happens :3
@ rectangularglasses3 Also I apologise for deleting your message lovely ☹️❤️ (y'know who you are requesting to resend the link) it was an accident... I just woke up and now I'm eating and I'll go out with mom FINALLYYYY goodbye my lovelies <3
Lovelies, the chapter will most probably arrive on Thursday... I have an event on Monday then intensive studying, then next day a simulation for a very important exam... then MORE intensive Math studying =') then next day another exam simulation :'( so basically let's hope that I won't get too much homework for Thursday take care of yourselves (preferably double, for me too :3) I am terribly sorry for not updating y'all, but the last 3 weeks I have been DROWNED in projects and homework... I know, I am complaining quite a lot and not doing any progress, but I DO have most of the upcoming chapter ready :D see y'all in a couple of dayz >0<
@rectangularglasses3 we'll be waiting VERY patiently for the chapter. Dw babe nd take care of yourself ☺️
I have most of the script done but I am DROWNED in work I apologise ='(
Y'ALLS POOKS I got a little question :'D (I know, sudden appearance, I apologise, I have just finished working on developing the fanfic, will start writing tomorrow most probably) ... Would y'all like a fanfic which does NOT contain MBTI? This is one of the ideas which is coming up, I kinda wanna boost my recognition beyond fanfics y'know...? =') might think about MBTI fanfics too but I don't know for sure yk? I am truly sorry, I am kinda sleepy and this is a bit of a ramble, I only got 4h of sleep last night and right now it's 2AM, pookies, do not do the things I do :3 I LOVE Y'ALLLLL AND I'M SORRY I LET Y'ALL TO WAIT =(
@rectangularglasses3 yess of course love. Also, please get some sleep,u'll need it to write efficiently
@ taoh_hltdp I appreciate it pookie ❤️ also I did sleep for 8 hours last night so I am all good <3
Guys I'm BAAAACKKKKKK HEHEHEHEHEEWWWW andddd WITH THIS I BRING TO YA A SURPRISEEEE!!! I HAVE INSTALLED DISCORD, AND Y'ALL KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS... >:D Yes I have made a SERVER!!! for us to chat either about MBTI, my and your fics, share art, opinions and stuff like that :3 I am very VERY new to Discord soooo I think I might need a teeny tiny bit of help with terms hihi =')) andddd the thing is that I don't really know how to help y'all find it because I don't know if you can copypaste the link. My username on Discord is the same as on Wattpad, and the server is named The Glass City ☆ SOOOOO I HOPE TO FINISH FRIENDSHIP ON OREOS THIS YEAR ='( andddd it will not be over, since... just a spoiler alert, I have 10+ books I wanna publish >0< Take care of yourselves!!! I have just begun 8th grade and I don't know if I will have time to publish as often but I HIGHLY HOPE SO ❤️ BYEBYEEEE <3
Hey girl! It's the begining of September Just here to check up on you, it's alright if you need more time, I'm quite patient Hope you're doing great!
Oh god I'm so sorry for what happened! Keep yourself happy, in the end, we're the only person on our side (sorry if that was too deep ). But I'm glad you're happy now!! Tell your mom I said "Hii ". And yup, I'm patient. Actually I'm quite busy with studies as my exams are coming soon, but i will always make time for your stories becuz they're fabulous. Exited for the next chapter!
WASSUP Y'ALLLL I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much however I have lotta thoughts, plans and school work ahead to do so I think we'll see each other at the beginning of September. I gotta be really focused on what I have to do. I am really sorry that I couldn't finish Friendship On Oreos this summer, as I have planned, but this means that you will all have more time to enjoy it, and more tension to be built up! :D (I know damn well y'all waitin' for that kissy lol :3) I LOVE Y'ALL SOOO MUCH, PLEASE BEAR WITH MEEE!!! <3
@rectangularglasses3 It’s alright! I have school as well so it’s no worries School work is draining
@rectangularglasses3 it's ok Focus on whatever you have to do, I wish you luck for it
Girl can you post more friendship on oreos it's so good like I open twice in a day to see if you post a new one girl it's so good♥️
@rectangularglasses3 don't by sorry I could wait for these good stories you do. you are so good so do it when you feel it don't worry we will wait for you (also the last chapter was so good ♥️)
@ ZynanbAdel I am so glad that you commented this! I am sorry for my procrastination, I don't know what has gotten into me. I will try to post more often! <3 Also, thank you very much for the support! ❤️
Y'all pookies, I think I wanna delete A Guy In The Analyst's Club. I've been getting a lot of comments saying that the INTJ portrayed there is quite toxic... and I lowkey agree, but not every book's male love interest has to be the healthiest, as there are different kinds of guys. I am not into this type of guy, but I think I will just label it as dark romance. Should I delete the story when I finish Friendship On Oreos? AGITAC (how I'll call A Guy In The Analysts' Club) is also pretty badly written, however it has gotten me the most attention. The most comments (which reaches million numbers) and the most views (thank you VERY much for them, I appreciate you all, hating or loving!!!), so I kinda feel bad about just letting go of memories, sleepless nights and stuff like that. Y'all help me decide! <3
@rectangularglasses3 please don't delete it, i really loved that story from my heart (it was the literal reason I downloaded Wattpad, before reading your story i used to use the website)
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