
Ya I got my wisdom teeth taken out so I've kinda been out of it. :/ I promise I'll finish it. I've been working on the next chapter I've just been really busy with practice and everything else.


Hey. Thanks for following back :) 


Thank you so much. And I'm glad my writing brings across the emotion. It's important for me that my readers get this and travel on the journey with my characters. 


@-hentaisocial- your welcome I really like your stories. They are very well written and put you through a whirl wind of emotions!


Hello, there! I just wanted to stop by (while I still remembered to) and thank you from the very bottom of my heart (why is it always the bottom? One would think that's the worst portion... eEEiither way-) for following me and for voting on various chapters. I really hope you're enjoying what I manage to get put out there. Thank you so much for your support! <3