DONT BE SAD! WE MEET THE PEOPLE WE MEET IN THE TIME WE DO BECAUSE WELL...........I REALLY DON'T KNOW! BUT WHEN I FIND SOME DEEP WORDS OR WHATEVER MAYBE I'LL BE LIKE A WIERD PHILOSOPHER AND TELL YOU! hmm......maybe a philosopher like Plato or Hipocrates I always liked them......a little bit im not so sure about H's point of view on women I have to read more about him I will! but gosh do I HATE socrates! Yes yes I do! I mean while he was a great philosopher and al he was also a jack@$$ towards women!
No I am not some hippy chick feminist! I just don't appreciate that women were treated as dolls. There are alot of women who made a HUGE impact on this world and there are definitely still more to come!
Anyhoo I ramble alot when I have tons to say so.......sorry about this really long message! I just love to talk! or type I should say........=D