
Hello there ☺️ I bumped into you on Twitter and I thought I would come over and ask if you'd be interested in supporting a new fantasy book. It is about immortal girls going to magicians college and learning that the way magic works is different from what everyone says. Can magic run out?

          Be well today <3 


I thought I already thanked you for the votes... but I guess not cuz I can’t see my message now? Anyway thank you! And I love your super perverted banner image. Japanese erotic art: the original porn lol.


Oh that’s cool that you live in Japan! Are you a native or just a transfer? I’m on break too AND IT FEELS SOOO GOOD  sucks that i still have study notes and homework to do though! 
            Well rope BDSM (Shibari) actually originated from a military restraint technique called hojojutsu it was around the late 1800s early 1900s when things really took a turn. 
            Hope you have a good break and Christmas! 


Thanks! I’m on winter break now so I have a lot of time to respond... I get kinda behind when I’m working. I read every comment I get though!
            As I currently live in Japan I have heard of the... ahem... rope culture... 
            I don’t know when it originated though. Do you know what time period?
            Thanks again for the votes and the follow!


Awe you’re one of the sweetest authors I’ve encountered on this app, you put so much effort into both your story and the readers- responding, commenting etc I find it super cute! 
            Fun fact japan is one of the counties that originated rope BDSM as people of that time such as nobles found it extremely erotic but were extremely ashamed of it due its nature so they made up a unground culture. 