
I need 4-6 business days to recover after that episode of euphoria. I’m literally heartbroken rn I can’t.


no same i just got finished watching it and i still have questions.


I don’t know if it’s just me, I love Noah (jupe). I really do but it slightly bothers me he’s hanging out with jack now. I think it’s great he’s making other friends but after what jack did to Ceilia I really don’t like him. I think I’m crazy or something bc I haven’t seen any other comments about this idk


Umm so how are people still supporting jack d grazer? ‍♀️ like honestly he’s had what 3 ex’s come out come out saying he abused them them in some way, there’s two videos Circlingthe internet of him saying the n-word (two different ages so it’s not like oh he was 13, people make mistakes). There’s just a bunch pointing him to be a horrible person and people are still defending him.  like grow tf up and face the facts pls and thank you‍♀️