
I just signed up for writing classes and I’m soo excited :) 


Sorry for the inconvenience, but are you still gonna update 'Wave of Heat'?


@ BadGuyBoi  Thanks for answering me, i hope your original books make a lot of success.


            So the answer to that is complicated — I’ve been working on my own original works as an author and all my spare time has been dedicated to that. I just can’t find it in myself to write fanfiction atm. 
            If I ever get writer’s block again, I’ll most probably return to Wave of Heat again. I try to always finish my fanfics, but I started Wave of Heat with a terrible bout of writers block and it helped me get over it and start other works. 
            Fanfics taught me almost everything I know about writing. I’m sorry for the nonanswer, but I can’t commit to finishing Wave of Heat when I’m finally writing the books I’ve always dreamed about.
            Thank you so much for reading it! I’ll make sure to message you if an update happens. 


          If you believe that you're right but still people criticise you, hurt you or shout at you, don't bother. Just remember that in every game, only the audience makes noise, not players. Be a player. Believe in yourself and do the best. 
          -> unknown
          P.S. Reread that please :)