Hey Guys! Yes, I'm alive! I'm terribly sorry to keep everyone hanging. I suck. I know. I understand if you wanna curse me to the grave. Haha. It's my summer break of college now, and I would really like to start up writing again. But I know SSP is behind me. It made a lot of sense to me then, but my mind can't get back into it now. I'm reaally sorry and hope you can understand. And I'm very glad to know that lots of you are still dedicated and hoping for the continuation of the sequel. But sadly, the second book was more of a chore to me than a passion. I wish I could've ended it as it was in the first book so no one would've got their hopes up. I'm looking forward to writing again, and I hope I get your support, or not, or forgiveness. I appreciate it a lot. Sorry for being a sucky writer. Signing off, redpeace9 <3