Marth:WOOO...i'm druuuunk~ Me:Ok...(Picks up and walks to room) Marth:(lies down) Me:No stay or else. Marth:nooooo~ Ike:(Taking vid) Me:IKE GET THE HELL OUT!!! (Ike runs away) Me:Get off or i will bash your head into the wall! Marth:NOOOO~ Me:(Hits marth with a plastic bottle in the head) You:Whats going on here? Me:wellvthis drunk prince was trying to eat me but i made him sleep the end! You:Uhhh...ok. Ike:(secretly takes video) Me:(throws bottle at ike's head and he falls asleep) Marth and ike:~snore~ Me:Ok LETS GO PARTAAAA!!!

@solitarewolf. I may just put this in my book as a chapter if you don't mind me using it,or do you? I was actually laughing so hard I forgot about what I was doing 10 minutes ago.