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Well, folks, it's finally here. Now I'm not gonna bore you with tales of grandeur and what not, I'll be plain and simple. Do you wish to see all the stories I've written so far actually get some sort of graphical representation? Or better yet a game? Pretty ambitious right? So, let's start small. I'm setting up a Patreon of 3 dollars a month, ( trust me I would have gone lower but 3 is the lowest. ) to obtain resources in order to better offer stories with more flushed out characters and actually get my * energy efficient * butt to actually pump out chapters on a regular basis because...well, I don't want y'all to waste your hard earned money.
Ps, concerning the war in Ukraine, I was thinking of making Nfts and sending the funds to folks over in Ukraine, what do you guys think?
Anyway, thanks for reading to this point. God bless and have a great day or night.