Hello, ik I've mentioned this before in my story(KTSO part 2), so that bully came back and now it's making fun of my bff, basically calling her flat and stuff and just bullying both of us on whatsapp through another friend, that sends us what he does. I really hope I'll be able to escape this f*c*er and move on. Bc he became so f*c*ing annoying, I can't take it anymore. If you see this, never do what this guy does, cyberbullying affects people and their mental health and sometimes even their physical health, bc they'll have suicidal thoughts. Be a good person, be kind, help others and you'll see you'll have more to win than lose, people will slowly leave you if you are a bad person. I hate that my other friend hangs out with this kind of person and does nothing about it, let's him do his part and sh*t, if I were him, I would leave that guy and never be "friends" again. I'm struggling, but I'll promise I'll be back, idk if I'll be fine, but I'll come back to writing, that's something I can promise. I'm so sorry for writing a paragraph, but this is my current situation...
Take care of yourselves