
havent been on but i am going to  chamge things and hopefully post abit more.


Hello  people  lately  I been wanting  it post more poem's and been writing  alot more too so in the next week going  to post more poem's in my poem  book.  I think  the book  ideas  is a bit better  then individually posting  them. Look  forward  to it sorry  haven't  been in alot more been  busy  and dealing  with alot last year and the last couple  of months. 


hello everyone so sorry its been a while but Mind Of A Teenage Boy's Love is updated now hope u like it. sorry its been while been looking for a job lately, i also in the next couple of the days hopefully post more chapter of Learn The Way of The Soul, i have then written i just need to type them up.


Hello  writer and book friends. I know  its been awhile  but finally  i am able to update  my chapters for both my stories. I finally  got a laptop yay. If u liked my stpru please comment what  u like.i would  like feed back so i can try my best to  edit  my stories  more.