
I completely forgot to write on here lol, but I updated That's the one the other day, there was a chapter I wrote 2 years ago but never updated it cos I wanted to make it longer, but oh well I've uploaded it now! Thank you to those who have already voted and read it, means a lot! 
          	I really do want to finish this story, I think I managed to work out the ending and everything back when I was updating a couple of years ago but I didn't get round to actually writing anymore chapters cos well, life I guess haha, I've now finished University and have a full-time job! Pretty crazy I know, I'd love to tell my 13 year old self about all this she would be hyper all about the place haha, but honestly I miss my old friends from back then so much too, I've had a lot of time to reflect recently and it's just made me realise how much has happened in the past 10 years. 
          	If anyone I used to talk to is reading this, I'd love to talk again so drop me a message :)


I completely forgot to write on here lol, but I updated That's the one the other day, there was a chapter I wrote 2 years ago but never updated it cos I wanted to make it longer, but oh well I've uploaded it now! Thank you to those who have already voted and read it, means a lot! 
          I really do want to finish this story, I think I managed to work out the ending and everything back when I was updating a couple of years ago but I didn't get round to actually writing anymore chapters cos well, life I guess haha, I've now finished University and have a full-time job! Pretty crazy I know, I'd love to tell my 13 year old self about all this she would be hyper all about the place haha, but honestly I miss my old friends from back then so much too, I've had a lot of time to reflect recently and it's just made me realise how much has happened in the past 10 years. 
          If anyone I used to talk to is reading this, I'd love to talk again so drop me a message :)


I know it's confusing but I added a second chapter to the re-written version of That's the one, it's just so I have the story written in better grammar and changing a few things to make the story as a whole make more sense, as well as it all being in third person instead of POVs.
          I'll still be updating the original That's the one and merge the newer chapters into the re-written version later and change that to third person too.
          I hope that makes sense haha, have a good day guys!


It's actually crazy how into the flow you can get in writing fics sometimes, I managed to figure out what I wanted to write and I swear my arm didn't leave my notebook for like 30 mins it was crazy! And now my arm hurts XD


After god knows how many years, I finally uploaded a new chapter to That's the One! Please go check it out if you read the story before, it is a short chapter but I am just splitting up what I've written so far so I could upload something to start with and see how I was feeling with the story and the direction it's heading!
          Thanks for the interest and for reading!


I find it crazy that people still see and read some of my old stories, especially "That's the one" although I don't watch yugioh gx anymore or write stories at all, it still has over 6k reads which is absolutely crazy. I feel bad for not updating it but it's just been too long and I don't have that sort of passion anymore. And yugioh gx brings back too many memories that I would rather forget and leave behind. 
          But I just wanted to say thank you to all who still vote, read and follow me and my old stories. I only just noticed how much attention some of these stories were getting since I just bought myself a kindle and downloaded wattpad again so I can read stories, but I just keep getting caught up in ok stories and memories so this was probably a bad idea.
          Anyway enough rambling, thanks again, maybe one day I'll finally gather the courage to finish these stories


It took me 6 and a half years but I finally got rid of that cringe 12 year old bio of mine, man was a wild kid, it's crazy to see how much of a different person I have become and learnt since then. But that's life I guess, just keeps going.