
It's almost been a year since I last opened this app. I'm honestly tired of everything at this point but I know it will work out eventually. 
          	Cheers to entering the second half of the year 
          	All the best,
          	Rejoice ❤️


It's almost been a year since I last opened this app. I'm honestly tired of everything at this point but I know it will work out eventually. 
          Cheers to entering the second half of the year 
          All the best,
          Rejoice ❤️


Hi! I just wanted to pop by and say thank you for following me! I really hope you enjoy my book if you get the chance to read it. It’s a contemporary romance called Just Press Send. If you ever want to chat please message me or comment on my book– I love to talk about reading or writing! Have a great rest of your day!


It's already September?? I doubt anyone reads this but if you do, you're probably going through your own problems and you might be getting overwhelmed by everything that's happening... Like me
          I just want you to know that everything is in stages so take life step by step, bit by bit. Don't try to get it all done at once and know you're running your own race. Don't be discouraged by other people's progress but let it serve as a motivation to you.
          You're doing good and you'll be fine in the end. Eventually, you'll look back and laugh at this phase of your life. Love God and spread the love to men.
          I'm super proud of you and I look forward to the things you'll do in the future.
          Text me if you need anything,
          Rejoice ❤️


I've somehow succeeded in turning this place to a journal. It's a new session now. Yayyyyyyy!!!
          The stress just got a lot worse and school just resumed. There's so much to read, so much to be read and so much reading to do. But I must survive! 
          Still love you,


It's the last day of the weekend!!
          It's already 12:02am so it's not even the weekend again
          I'm cryeeenn(/crying/)... In case you didn't get it
          I have an exam today and I'm just reading now. Thankfully it's by 3pm so I might just pull an all nighter, sleep till 12pm then get ready for it.
          3 more exam days till I'm in my next year!
          Somehow sleepy,


It's 6:00am. My last exam before the weekend... Then the cycle of stress continues again.
          You'd think if I updated one chapter everyday like I make announcements, I'd make more progress yeah? You're probably right.
          Oh well...
          Exhausted student,


It's 5:25am. I have an exam this morning and a term paper to submit that I'm yet to complete. Had an exam yesterday and still have one tomorrow. Haven't gotten enough sleep and I'm so stressed out! But here I am, on wattpad, making an announcement I doubt anyone will read. Talk about setting my priorities straight.
          But I guess I need this. Something to distract me from all the stuff I have to do, even if it's for a few minutes.
          Hopefully, my life will get better and I'll have more time to enjoy myself! Until then, I must survive...
          Honestly very tired,
          Rejoice ❤️


Many months later and not a single chapter upload. Sigh
          My second semester exams starting soon!
          Have a test tomorrow too
          I now open this app occasionally. Hope y'all are doing okay and your lives aren't as stressful as mine
          All my love,


Just reading about what is going on in Nigeria is mind boggling. The videos are gory and heart wrenching! Human beings are being chased and gunned down, slaughtered and massacred like animals. How on earth can people be this wicked?? 
          Not everyone can handle sensitive content but watching the clips is way worse than watching a horror movie. And people in authority are denying it and claiming that the news is fake so that there is no intervention from foreign countries. If that is not twisted, I don't even know what is. 
          Verified sources and CCTV cameras have proved it to be true. The use of military forces on harmless civilians, innocent and unarmed protesters who are fighting for their right to life is what shocks me the most.
          Like, they're killed because they want to live? How ironic! And their bodies are being taken away to hide the evidence so the heroes don't even get a proper funeral! Survivors are being finished off in the hospitals and buildings are being razed to the ground. 
          Yet terrorists, who were responsible for the death of thousands, were rehabilitated and sent back into society, some given visas to leave the country. Same terrorists that were paid an equivalent of 1 pound to wreak havoc and claim even more lives. 
          Pray for Nigeria because that place is currently in chaos and a civil war is brewing! Too many lives have been lost for the good guys to lose this fight! 


@Candid-Metier keep on praying! And stay safe! 


@reejoyhs whatever is happening in Nigeria is so depressing, i am literally at a loss of words. There's only one thing i can do about it, and that is keeping Nigeria in my prayers #endsars