Hey guys,
I know that I'm back after a really long time xD
but life duties :')
Anyway, I'm here to tell something REALLY important. I have thought this before reaching to a conclusion, and even more before posting it here or deciding to execute it.
I love Manik and Nandini, . They might be just reel characters for so many, but not for me. I have learnt a lot from them because of them!! But when you write, you just treat them like names. You build your own NEW character from scratch (because no one likes reading the same repetitive thing, and that's pretty understandable). From the name to the traits, everything is new, there are only a few 'similarities' (that almost ALL humans have). And don't want to treat them like names ONLY. So, I've decided that I'll not keep the names same in all my books, but since this is a sudden change for y'all, I've decided that I'll change the names in all my stories except one. So maybe you can get a bit more comfortable with the idea. And it doesn't feel too much. (But you still have the liberty to imagine parth and niti behind those characters. Heck, even I do it while reading sometimes).