
y’all I’m so sorry I’m quitting ily all sm you guys have been great but I’m leaving love y’all 
          	bye love 


Rey here,
          Pretty sure you guys may have noticed this, but I think I might quit. I have absolutely no motivation to write, and I never really read. I am sorry to everyone who wanted me to continue Stormy Weather, but I might in the far future. Again, I extremely sorry but my mental health hasn’t been great lately. 
          Maybe I’ll see y’all again.
          Bye Love ❤️ 


this message may be offensive
I’m sorry but I hate when you are telling someone something sad like “Oh my dog just died.” And instead of them going “Oh, I’m so sorry. Do you want me to come over and comfort you?” Or something like that, they go “Oh well me grandpa died last week which is WAY sadder.” I never asked? Yeah, I feel sorry for you, but we weren’t talking about you. Stop trying to make yourself the main character. But then, if I am talking to that same person like a week later and they say “My dog just died.” I’ll be like “Oh I’m so sorry for you! My dog died recently, so I know how you feel. Anything I can do to make you feel better?” I am trying to be nice. I’ve been through 8 pet deaths in my life and it doesn’t feel good. (And it doesn’t get any better the more pets pass.) Then, they will say something like “I wasn’t trying to talk about you, I was talking about myself so stop trying to bring your sad life into every single conversation.” Like bitch I’ve been through so much shit in my life, I’m trying to comfort you, I’m being nice, and you think I’M the one always trying to make a conversation about myself? Just stop. No one wants to deal with your bitchy attitude.


It does get pretty annoying, but I’ve learned that if someone does this to me a lot, I just start ignoring their rude comments. If they’re still being a bitch, then I just leave. I know it’s rude but I just leave. 


@ SPINELLYHEHE  damn, I'm sorry this happened to you. I know how it feels when this happens so I think i know how you feel. Sorry you had to lose so many pets and you have to deal with people saying this. It must be annoying