
Been busy these days‍


[Promotional message for MisteryAngel books]. 
          Hello.. . 
          My name is Bely... I'm sorry but I'm horrible at talking to strangers... But I'm in a dark and claustrophobic place... I feel like I'm inside a box somewhere in my consciousness, I think I'm a soul. . . 
          Look, I messed up, I messed up big time... I shouldn't have burned that place down... I just... I just thought it would make my problems go away... And here I am, all alone, hearing voices and remembering all moments of my life. . . .    I ask myself... Why was I born? Why was I born in such a horrible place, with bad and evil people? . .  Idk. . .
          I don't even know why I'm talking to you...  Urgh. . . . 
          I miss that womb, it was so warm, comfortable... This is weird because I was inside the womb while my mommy was getting fuc-. . Forget it. . 
          Wow, it was so good to tell you these things... It gave me a relief... Maybe this was what I needed to deal with here in the dark...  Let's talk more about it?   Just come and I will show you everything through poems/songs about everything I have learned about this society, from my kindergarten to where I am now... 
             What's that lig- 
          Part 2:

          Part 1:



That’s amazing 