I just wanna share my progress with someone and I can't can't my family cus they don't know about my ed. As of lately,I've only been eating a piece of fruit today. Yesterday, I ate a waffle and a piece of fruit. And today,I had a bowl of soup and 2 crossaints with jelly and 5 crackers and mixed fruit. I know it's still not alot of food,but it is progress. And,I felt ashamed,but I sat down with my family and told myself,if I keep this up,I'll die and won't be with them anymore. And that helped me. I also told myself the being ashamed is just my ed talking. I still feel kinda ashamed and gross,but,being able to eat more and even if i don't actually believe the thoughts or whatever,being able to realize this,that I do deserve to eat,and realize it's just my ed is progress.