
1K+ reads & 100+ votes on Darkly Devoted in less than a week is actually crazy. I love you all soooo much, I literally can't thank you enough!!
          	Hugs & kisses to each one of you <33 


Went to sleep last night with less than 500 views on Darkly Devoted and now it's like 2 views away from 600???? I can't thank each of you enough, thank you soooooooooo much. I read every single comment of yours, even if I don't reply, and they just make my day so much better. I love you all sooo much <333


And yep, another username and theme change!  Because, honestly, why not?  I'm basically allergic to sticking with one thing for too long. Two weeks in, and I'm already side-eyeing my own stuff. So, yeah, bear with me please! 


Hey guys! Yes, I disappeared for 4 months only to make a comeback with a Pi Hanwool fanfic because I have been so obsessed with him and his ffs that I just couldn't sit back any longer, I had to write my own.
          And I swear I'll start working on '15 days with u' again. I just can't let go of that ff but I can't bring myself to write it either (I have attachment issues, I have issues liking my own work as well) I have been trying and I believe my writing improved a little, so I'll work on it again. I might also change the title because I feel like it's too... straightforward? Idk, but I'm thinking of changing that.
          I'll also continue working on 'Lustful Love' which I was planning on publishing soon. Idk when, I won't confirm anything but it will definitely be after Ramadan. I'm not writing smut on Ramadan bye (I should never ne writing it but anyways–)
          Check out my new fanfic!! I have high expectations and some good ideas for this so I just hope I don't mess it up. Let me know what you guys think of this!!