
Not me smiling as I immerse myself in a very good book by a friend of mine I've been meaning to read. If you need a new book to read, check it out!


HEY GIRL! long time no chat! How you doing?


@fanboymiraculous I got exempted from a few but out of the five I took i got 3As and 2Fs. Those Fs dropped my grades down to a B in math and bio which I'm not thrilled about but a B isn't a terrible grade. The rest of my classes are all As.


Not great nor good either. Out of 8 subjects, I only got 4A,2B and 2C


Thanks for 1.4k views on Merry Christmas (I Hate You?)!!! Currently planning Ch. 17 and have no idea when I will have it done. 
          I haven't even reached the midpoint yet. 
          And as always my writing goes off track and its like "No! That's not where I was gonna take this....but its a really good idea!" So off track I continue to go. XD


Do you ever have those moments when you're so deep in thought that the people and sounds around you feel alien, that you aren't a part of this world and those aren't your parents or friends but someone else's? 
          Just me? XD


@relreal So glad its not just me!


Hello wonderful people! I come to let you know that Merry Christmas (I Hate You?) will not be on a schedule during the summer due to limited access for writing. However it isn't on hiatus. Updates will be sporadic, whenever I can get stuff written. I hate that it has to be like this, but it is what it is. 
          I can't make any promises, but I only have to finish the ending of chapter sixteen before posting it so we shall see about an update this weekend. 
          I really need to finish this book before December comes around. I have an idea of what the ending is, I just have to work my way there and tie up all loose ends!
          Thank you to those who stuck with me and my craziness so far, I really appreciate your support with this story <333


@alvares715 I should!! Hopefully i can try and see if i can finish it in time!! Sorry that i haven't caught up with your recent updates, I will catch up soon <33


I got 1k/2k written for this weekend's chapter in one sitting so far today! I go back home to my crazy life, but family vacay is next week. Try being in a van with your seven other family members for five hours as you drive to the beach....yeah. 
          Hopefully no one tries to kill each other haha! This week was fun. 
          I took the chapter somewhere I didn't think I would, so we'll see what this has to offer. Don't we writers love it when things go in a different direction than planned? XD


@Bombaycatsitter I edited the chapter so maybe thats why? I have the chapter ready to post tomorrow. Things are crazy and I lost track of the days XD


@relreal I can’t wait for the update! (BTW the chapter says ‘updated three days ago’ but it’s the exact sam chapter you posted…. Whenever you posted last. Isn’t it?)


The computer at my grandparents house is huge. This is the first time I can use a computer without sticking my face in it, AHH! My eyes and back are literally so happy right now. Now I must take advantage of this opportunity and get as much writing done as possible. I think I'm feeling motivated, so hopefully I can write up to three whole chapters. I at least want to prewrite up to the gala, but knowing myself that won't happen XD
          And there's no siblings or parents around to tell me what to do, this is so amazing. Peace and quiet, stress-free, writing. Such a rarity. 
          You can expect an update this Saturday, I'm making good progress here!


@relreal write, girl, write!!