
Hey guys! So, now I'm finally on summer holiday (because it's Australia and christmas holidays and summer holidays are the same thing tsk). Unlike last year, I'm staying home this December so I'm finally going to get to edit LTLC. Therefore, if the novel updates randomly or wtv, it's just me editing not adding any new chapters. 
          	However, I'm thinking of uploading this new story I'm working on. It may or may not be centred around Christmas *wink wink*. It's in the very early stages so I'm not really sure about it yet. I'll see how it goes.
          	Anywho, I hope you guys are having a lovely December so far! <3


Happy holidays :)


HAPPY DECEMBER ☃️☃️☃️ I first came to wattpad when I was fourteen. Im twenty  now and Learning to Love Christmas has always been my only favorite Christmas book on wattpad. I read it over and over again until now ♥️♥️♥️


Learning to love Christmas is the most amazing Christmas book. Thanks for blessing us with it,hope it gets published and is such a seller that they make a movie
          Wouldn't that be amazing ❤️


@xGabiMontezx Hi, I just read your message. I haven't been on here for so long and for some reason I randomly decided to go back and on see what happened. I didn't dream I'd find a message like this. Thank you so much for your kind words. It would totally be amazing if it gets published and if they make a movie - like WOW. But just the fact that people like you still read this after like four years fills my heart already <3


@CJ_Sparrow Hey, I just read your message - a year late, I'm afraid. I just haven't been on here in forever. But coming back and seeing your message has honestly made my day. Or week even. It blows my mind that people still read this, and the fact that you've read it so many times for FOUR YEARS?! is bonkers to me but thank you so so much. If you come back for another reread this year, know that i'm so completely grateful for it <3


not sure when you'll see this but i'd just like you to know that i have made it a point to read learning to love christmas every winter since 2014 and i really can't wait to read it again this year (,: ❤️


@anchoredstyles Hi, lmao it's been a while since I went on here so I just read your messaged (like a year late, oops). I'd just like to thank you so much. It honestly warms my heart to know that. It's honestly insane to come back on here after like two years to find that people still read it. Thank you <3


I absolutely loved Learning to love Christmas... It was beautiful The characters and their chemistry was indeed heartwarming. The thing I liked Bout the book was that it was so realistic and I was attached to the characters so much that I even have cried a couple of times somewhere in the last three chaptersIt took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Beautiful work. Keep it up


you’re so sweet!! Thank you so much! i’m so happy you loved it ❤️