
coming briefly out of my dramatic hiatus to say that damn shifty looks good asf recently. like ok i see u. that’s my man


i actually have to think of the future of this account as a whole because nothing seems real anymore


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I feel so bad for his kids and Jordyn, Like I read so many stories of Dave cheating on Jordyn on here and now I fucking regret reading that shit….Like I love the Wattpad fanfics about Dave but I think I’m never gonna read it the same…..And I honestly don’t hate the author’s. 


@rememberingaurora literally that’s most of what makes it so conflicting to me. it’s honestly disgusting and i cannot even begin to imagine how his family feels right now


@jaomixi the level of disrespect to his family is insane. i genuinely can't believe he would be so stupid.


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i feel shocked and sick. especially after what i JUST wrote about landry.
          i genuinely can’t process this. i’m taking a step back from ATSWACO for the time being. which i don’t what to do but the thought of writing about him right now is out of the question. god fucking DAMN IT DAVE
          i’m absolutely horrified. this is entirely unprecedented.


He’s literally causing a Wattpad story right now 


I’m so pissed bro.


just wanted to say there's going to be no chapter on saturday - the next three chapters are going to be absolutely INSANE and introduces a few new exciting characters and events and plot twists and i CANNOT wait to publish it since i've dearly missed writing landry and dave together. unfortunately it's also an insane amount of words to edit and i'm a perfectionist so i'm gonna need another week. BUT IT IS COMING AND I'VE WANTED TO INTRODUCE THIS CHARACTER FOR AGES AND I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE COMING WEEKS.


are you planning on continuing something between us? i love it, it’s the only chris fic ive been able to find!


totally, fam! the next chapter is a work in progress, i do have some stuff written for it, as well as lots of random scenes i can’t wait to post. not sure when it’s coming, but i’m definitely not giving up on it. i know it’s been a few months since i updated it, but thank you for your support!


hey, no chapter this weekend. there's a crazy big festival coming this weekend that's been swallowing up my time at work since we're organizing it and working towards all of the deadlines leaves me with literally no time to write. (also i'm working eight hour shifts in thirty degree C/eighty five degree F weather this weekend, please send help i am not built for this)
          really hoping this doesn't become a common occurrence. :/


@rememberingaurora it might be rememberingvalsfeet because they are HURTING. i'll be thankful when this is all over because i'm going thru it


might have to change my username from rememberingaurora to rememberingval because dang this weekend is killing me


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"There was this guy who was about six foot seven, really huge. He's telling a story, and he's really loud and obnoxious and jumping around. Then there's this other tiny weasel of a guy sitting in a corner, not talking to anybody and looking like he's taking a shit, basically.”
          “Okay,” Landry said, wondering where this story was going to go.
          “Yeah, well, I was trying to get wasted after the gig like I’d usually do, and my band from Virginia had just broken up, like, yesterday, so I was super bummed. Of course, I didn’t know it at the time, but those guys were in another baby band that was just starting out, they’d be on the marquee opening up for Sonic Youth and stuff, and those guys - they ended up being my way out.”