
Hi, I just wanted to say I live the cover for Mixtape. Have you ever experimented with avatars or background images?


@AliceZhou Haha, that gif! I agree. I think multimedia makes it a lot more cooler. I've been thinking about a whole lot of things on media lately and the combination of having to cast actors and placing appropriate gifs is genius. 
            I was reading a fight tutuorial the other day here on Wattpad. The combination of video and text really made it clear and informative. It actually made me anticipate reading the next page and so on. I can imagine what it would be like if gifs and other media were used in the same context. Fitting in the story  and everything.
            Link to the tutorial:


@wordsinsilk Thank you!! I think this cover is airier and more carefree than my previous one so it was a bit more fitting. 
            I have no experimented with the avatar or background images-- it seems like a really cool function, but I'm trying to keep it as "book" as possible because I'm a grumpy old geezer who refuses change lol. 
            I feel like people could make a really cool novel where they cast actors and show off their characters' reactions. For example, if Leo in 24 Hours was Idris Elba (I'm really rooting for him to be Bond *swoon*) and he just heard the troubling news, you could insert a clip of him looking troubled. 
            It'd be a cool new medium to work with! Esp since we're moving away from physical books and towards more ereaders.


@JDPseudonymMorgan THANK YOU SO MUCH! You're too kind :') I'm in the middle of finishing my finals right now but I will be back to writing Harley in a jiffy! Sending love from one excited twenty one year old :P 
          I'm so glad to hear about your story! Good luck writing it and may you be protected from the perils of writer's block haha <33 I will def check out some of your works when I have time! :)


@aceofspaades CUT OFF AGAIN. Ugh. Anyway, feel free to PM me anytime if you want to talk. I prefer PM over the comments section because as you can see, I write a ton and it gets hard reading the paragraphs here since Wattpad has an annoying tendency to cut up words so that they fit the formatting properly. And ofc let me know when you start your first day of college next year! Hopefully by then I'll be talking to you in my first year of grad school (!!!! what??!?!) haha. 
          Oh! Also, my major is chemical biology with a minor in medical anthropology :)


@aceofspaades Oops ran out of characters. Anywho, my second piece of advice would be to take later classes! Realistically, unless you have an iron-clad willpower, you will not be able to wake up for 8 am classes. Take a 10 am class or later and MAKE SURE TO GO. I had class at 7 am (!!!!) everyday in high school and I was used to waking up at 6 am every morning with my mom pulling me out of bed, so I just assumed that I could handle going to an 8 am class everyday by myself. Trust me when I say that when you're on your own and you've discovered freedom, it can be very easy to skip a few classes "here and there." You'll fall into a dangerous habit if you do that (which is what happened to me). So take it easy, sign up for late classes, but make sure to go to them. You have much fewer excuses for missing classes when they are late into the day. When you trust yourself a lil bit more, you can have earlier classes. 
          After my disastrous first semester, I eased into late classes (11 am or so) and then when I trusted myself again, slowly pushed it earlier and earlier (I have 8 am everyday now). I'm a lot more responsible now and know I can handle the early mornings and the heavy workload (17 credit hours now vs 12 credits as freshman). I'm doing much better academically because I have built maturity over time to be able to balance school life and social life. Not gonna lie- freshman year was really hard for me. The classes weren't even hard- they were intro classes, but I was just given so much freedom after having helicopter parents my whole life, that I just kinda went wild and didn't know what to do. As hindsight, I'd like to say that college is expensive and you're there for a reason, so make the most of your academic life. Friends are important, but grades are too :) Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.


@aceofspaades Oh that's so nice for your school to do that! And no, unfortunately they don't do that haha. In college (I'm assuming you're in the US where "college" comes after high school, and not "college" in the UK which means something else entirely), the classes you take only last for one semester. You can of course take a second class in the subject (calc 2 after calc 1) but it doesn't have to be with the same professor or immediately after the first class. So your grades or anything don't carry over. I also can't say for other universities, but for mine, intro class (called 100 level classes) must have a final during finals week, whereas for upper level classes (200 and up classes), they aren't mandatory. So one of my anthropology classes has an optional final that you can take to boost your grade, while for one of my chemistry classes, we didn't have a final at all. So that's nice haha.
          Hmm I would say that I struggled quite a bit adjusting to college, though not everyone has that experience. College is really what you make of it. The first year of college, I really clung onto my high school friends and refused to go out. I had a really tight knit group of friends in high school and had this really dark outlook i.e., I'll never have the same inside jokes with these new people, I'll never have x, y, or z, etc. I never focused on the new possibilities, so yeah. The people who embraced the change were able to adjust a lot faster and were happier than I was. Last year (junior year) I finally started opening up and going out and doing things and I found that I had such a good time. I couldn't replace my old friends ofc, but that didn't matter anymore. I was forming new inside jokes, I was building new, lasting relationships. So I guess my words of advice to you is to go to college with optimism and an open mind. There's a huge world out there waiting for you to enjoy! You'll meet so many people from different backgrounds and walks of life. Get to know them!


@aceofspaades thank you so so much! I'm really flattered. I have to say, I'm a huge fan of your work too! Can't wait for your next update of "A Medley of Flavors," I think it's extremely promising! No pressure to update though ;)
          And nope, I generally try my best to update "Harley" on Friday's but it's a hit or a miss usually. It's been a miss the past two weeks since I'm buckling down for finals at university. It'll be more predictable soon :D