
I feel the need to announce this before I officially disappear. I haven't really been passionate about wattpad for awhile so I'm leaving, I didn't want to disappear without warning so here it is. Thank you for the good memories I've made here 


I feel the need to announce this before I officially disappear. I haven't really been passionate about wattpad for awhile so I'm leaving, I didn't want to disappear without warning so here it is. Thank you for the good memories I've made here 


What are nifty ways to say happy birthday you know? Mine is happy womb evacuation day!


@renaizukathebean my way of saying it is my greatest accomplishment but worst mistake


Nope, mines in November! Just a random question 


When I was little my favorite song was I kissed a girl by katy Perry and I sung it everywhere, eventually a family member told me to stop because it had different meanings than what my like 7 year old brain though, now I'm 15 pan and wondering what happened from when I was like 7 to now XD