Just updated chapter 22 of Luka! Hope you beautiful people are having an amazing day and that you like this chapter because I worked super hard on this one. Don't forget to vote, comment and and keeping reading.
Love you, xoxo
Hiya I just wanted to ask if you could like update a chapter of Luka since its been forever like literally and Luka is such a great book and I really want to know the ending and that so yea plz update thx X
Ps if you've read watched Harry Potter you'll get this if you don't then sorry for spoiling it
Sirius black
Just updated chapter 22 of Luka! Hope you beautiful people are having an amazing day and that you like this chapter because I worked super hard on this one. Don't forget to vote, comment and and keeping reading.
Love you, xoxo
a few seconds ago
Hope you loves are having an amazing Saturday. Just wanted to let you peeps know that my best friend @XxDreamLovexX is an incredible writer and you should go over to her profile right now and read her books, you're definitely missing out if you don't!
Please give her the same love that you give me which I am so thankful for every single day.
Do not forget to vote, comment and keep reading loves!
@__karolina Thank you so much for the shout out. I'll always appreciate all of the support you give me in my books and all the wonderful compliments you give me on my writing. Love you lots bestie. :) <3