
@BeckiSullivan haha well my kids are only 2 and 4 so I still have a little bit to deal with them stealing my computer although they do like to steal my phone and that's what I read from. I can't write for the life of me. I can't seem to be creative but I love to read all the stories and even edit a few :) if I have free time of course! That doesn't happen much unless my boys are in bed and by then I'm ready to hit the sack!


@BeckiSullivan haha well my kids are only 2 and 4 so I still have a little bit to deal with them stealing my computer although they do like to steal my phone and that's what I read from. I can't write for the life of me. I can't seem to be creative but I love to read all the stories and even edit a few :) if I have free time of course! That doesn't happen much unless my boys are in bed and by then I'm ready to hit the sack!


@renek614 Yeah I've actually had to buy another laptop as my 7 year old son kept stealing mine! Now my 8 year old son thinks the new laptop is his and I have to fight both of them to give me one so I can upload! I've really enjoyed writing this book, I was really nervous of people's reactions to it as I've not wrote any stories since I was younger, so I love getting comments telling me their enjoying it or votes it literally makes my day :)


@BeckiSullivan I have to go through and make sure I voted for all the chapters! I know I missed some in my excitement to read the next chapters! I read that you have kids. I have 2 boys myself! I know how hard it is to get Anything done so it means a lot that you would upload another chapter because I couldn't put my phone away until I finished!!


@renek614 hi i'm glad you like it. hopefully i'll be able to continue updating frequently. i have two other stories on the go at the moment as well. i stopped writing pretty much during my pregnancy with my youngest so now she's nearly 3 months i'm trying to get back into it.