Do you guys want me to publish one of these stories: □ New planet □ The Vampire in You □ Mafia (I am not sure about the title) I am writing on them but not publishing. As I also want to concentrate a bit on "Future Husband". But if you are interested in 1 of these books up there, I will maybe start publishing one of them. Tell which one you would like to read! Luvvvv you my dudes Reniiii

@ reni-needs-namjesus thank you . But I actually wanted the mafia stuff to be more fluff so. You can try when I publish, but you don't have to. And thanks for answering LOVEEEEE YOUUU MOREEEEE~

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@ reni-needs-namjesus new planet and the vampire in you are DEFI ETELY in my interest, the mafia shit has never been my thing tho, like the shady people and betrayals: i don't dislike it, bjt i don't get the appeal either. BUT I'M CURIOUS, PUBLISH SMTH LOVE YOUU~