
          	I will not be using this account anymore, since I’m rarely on here at all. My roleplay books will be discontinued and stopped. For those who roleplay with me, please let me know if you would like to continue to RP with me on Discord. Contact me on PM messages and I will give my username. Otherwise, thank you everyone for the last 5 to 6 years of being hers, it’s been fun! ❤️❤️


@renie_08 What is your discord?


          I will not be using this account anymore, since I’m rarely on here at all. My roleplay books will be discontinued and stopped. For those who roleplay with me, please let me know if you would like to continue to RP with me on Discord. Contact me on PM messages and I will give my username. Otherwise, thank you everyone for the last 5 to 6 years of being hers, it’s been fun! ❤️❤️


@renie_08 What is your discord?


For those who are doing comment section RP’s (Roleplays) with me: 
          My notifications for the comment section with my RP’s are not working at the moment. Please message me in PM to tell me to respond and I will do so! I sent something out to Wattpad Help this morning, and apparently this had been happening with other users, and has been taken to the developers of Wattpad so it should be fixed within the next few days tops. Anyways, just for the information! ~ Renie 
          P.S: My PM messages still work for those who do PM Roleplays with me. 


Dear Roleplayers, Followers, and Friends: 
          I will be starting a new job on Saturday at 9:30 AM (EST US) so due to this I will not be able to respond as much as I have in the past, but I will respond to everything when I get the chance or when I get home from work or on breaks, whenever I can I will respond! Y’all have no idea how happy I am! I got hired on the spot and everything!! Anyways, just for the new update! Thanks again for all of the support that will be given! ~ Renie


@EternalKimFlame Thank you! I hope so too! I have heard that the employees are good, from a friend in college that works at the same place I will, so I’m looking forward to it. 


Dear Followers, Roleplayers, and Friends: 
          I will be gone starting tomorrow morning at 7 something EST until next Saturday, sometime as I am going out of the country to Canada with family. During this week that I will be gone, I will have no internet or service, so due to this I will not be able to answer anything. Please do NOT spam me while I am gone, I will answer you once I get back, I promise. Thank you everyone for the support! - Renie 
          Tags: @SpyderGhoul @EnternalKimFlame @Megalovnia @DatBoiUziU and everyone else, because I can’t remember your usernames at the moment. (I will tag you, once I find it.) 


Dear Followers, Roleplayers, and Friends: 
          I will be gone starting later tonight about 6 -7 PM USA EST (Eastern Standard Time) until next Saturday sometime with a friend of mine to the beach for vacation. During this time I will not be bringing any of my electronics AKA: My Computer, so you all will have to be mindful of my absence until I return. Please do NOT spam me with 50+ messages from one person, not that this has ever happened, but just to be mindful. Thanks for everyone who will read this! 
          Tags: @Locus_Writes @SpyderGhoul @nicodeangelo290 @CheetoFish @OscarManzanoSerna @ZEFFEX @GoldenFlames4860321 @DantesbloodyInferno @EternalKimFlame @KingAngelofoxy @Mar__chan__x @kklovesyoutube @RubenArteaga6 @Megalovnia @Shininja @DatBoiUziU @LordXcross @x-XKatsukiBakugouX-x @1stInfantrieVeteranG @Skyward-Sword-Link @ConnorDavis5 @Laxus-Dreyar_ @UzumakiNinto @ShinyStarLight-Chan @LOVEABLEHATAKE


@renie_08 it’s aight i just had to make that joke 


Dear Followers, Roleplayers, and Friends: 
          I will be gone starting tomorrow at 2:00 PM (EST) because of a conference for my school that I must attend. I will be back by Friday, so I will get back to you then. Until I get back, please try not to spam me with messages... Last time I was gone, which is something I hadn't announced to me forgetting, I had 13 or so messages in Inbox and 30+ messages on Notifications, but half of the notifications were Announcements themselves. Anyways, please be considerate, and I will be back! Until then! ~ renie_08 
          Tags: @DatBoiUziU @SpyderGhoul @EternalKimFlame @Shininja @nicodiangelo290 @@x-XKatsukiBakugouX-x @LordXcross @kklovesyoutube @Mar__chan__x @ariandthediamonds @TwitchOrLucee @ZEFFEX @NEIIIIIN @ShinyStarLight-Chan @MichaelLuv10 @Robobxtch  @1stInfantrieVeteranG @Insaneumbreon046 @Megalovnia @Forxvxr_Alonx


@renie_08 hopefully it goes well!


Dear Followers, Roleplayers, and Friends:
          I have now created a Youtube channel! If you would like to follow me on there please do! Here is the link to my channel down below!


@SaeyoungAndLucee Thanks!! Lol, are you subscribed to too many people? XD


@yato-god- Aww! Thanks! :)


If you were killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral.
          I’d be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everyone you care about, including me if you care.
          See yo many time you get this #
          I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever.
          If I don’t get this back, I understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this letter,
          You must send this to 15 people,
          Including me
          If you get at least three you are loved <3
          Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it
          Tonight (right at 12:00pm) the person you love will realize they love you
          Hen at 1:0p pm to 2:00pm, be ready for the shock of your life!
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck
          With love, send this to the 15 if you don’t care I don’t care
          A friend told me to do this, so pass it on
          Tomorrow, two boys/girls will ask if they can have your number.
          Send this message to 15 nice, people or bad luck starts for a whole year.


You’re not allowed to die, simple as that.


       Beautiful Person Award
          Once you get this award, post it onto the wall of eight people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will change, but it is good to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out.


@FFVII-Girl Yeah thank you! You too! :)


@FFVII-Girl and keep being amazing!!! :P