Last night, I had a dream that I was injected with a disease by a villian. Can't remember who it was or what disease, but there was apparentally no cure, because I remember being quarantined in one of the classrooms in the school building (down my driveway, I'm still homeschooled, and my dad's one of the tutors, so) and all of my family being like "Well, she's going to die, so we should spend time with her while we can." So, I guess the quarintine applied to everyone but them. My cousins and I watched funny videos we'd made, I huged my brothers, I don't remember if my parents were there, but I think they were. I actually felt myself fading in the dream. I felt weaker, like my body was turning to lead. I woke up while I was slowly losing strength, so I don't know exactly how everything would've ended. That was weird. Definitely one of the weirder dreams I've had.