
cb cause the muse for him and Diego is strong


idk WHY my dad had his bulge out during his fight with Jotaro
          maybe that was 80s fashion,,,,


            We both wish this was the case but,,,, no


:: he’s adopted 


            no!!! this is just,,, common Italian fashion


“giorno..?  i had a question, uh, about your stand.”


“yeah.. and i've, y'know, never exactly seen a requiem stand before.. let's give this a go..” as icarus had copied golden experience multiple times before, it was only supposed to be a brief pause— but it took longer than usual, as puppet boy seemed confused before choosing a form. it was the original version of golden experience. “.. guess i can't. puppet boy'd have to reach requiem, i'm assumin'.”


            “ Now that you mention it, I'm interested to see this too .. I'm not completely sure about Golden Experience's new potential now, and I don't have that much knowledge about the arrow either. „ he admitted before summoning Golden Experience, who stepped towards Icarus while his user waited to see what might happen. He / might've / been smiling, maybe because he was eager to see the results.


“well, yes, but.. i haven't copied him since he reached requiem. i wanted to, just to see.. y'know, if i can copy requiem stands, or if they just end up the original version.”


“ oh my dear lord .. it really is- ah, ehem. ” the woman seems visibly embarrassed, but straightens herself out. 
          “ sorry, my dear, you are .. giorno, correct? ”


            ; / scoundrel?? nah bro that's a hooligan fr
            the mention of his mother made giorno's gaze soften, but he got quiet as he tried to stop himself from reminiscing about his childhood. he shook his head and saw how she furrowed her eyebrows, and that seemed to be just enough to get rid of any more suspicion of her. he knew that she knew, which made the boy take a step closer to her. “ I was too young, but .. I would've loved to meet you anyway. „ he didn't resent her for waiting until now, but the mention of his friends made him curious. but he had more important things to talk about anyway ...
            “ What's your name, by the way? „


she gritted her teeth. 
            “ oh … well i first found out through your … mother. ” she furrowed her eyebrows. just thinking of the wench made her angry. 
            “ and a few years later .. i’m here. i ran into a couple of your, ehm .. friends, too. they were a lot of help. ” she clasped her hands together, her expression seemed almost as if she was scanning his features .. 
            “ i wanted to wait a little while because you were too young. and i had my own little scoundrel on the way. ”
            :: literally in physical pain writing the word scoundrel 


            He hummed and thought about it for a moment, but he seemed to calm down a bit more after hearing her explanation. Giorno had already seen a lot of strange things, so this couldn't be as surreal as everything else he'd been through lately. However, what she said piqued his interest. He had a feeling that his father probably wasn't around for the "right reasons", but he seemed more curious about / her / anyway. “ It's alright, it's not like I'm in the middle of something. How did you find me? Nobody gave you any information at all? „


،، Hey, Giogio? I'll probably be going to Japan for a bit, next week or so. To see Icarus. Thought you might wanna know. ”


            ،، I'm sure he'd be happy to meet you. I mean, you're already cool in Jotaro's book; he'd trust that opinion. ”


            “ ... Maybe I'll pay for us to get a trip then. I'm not sure if I'll be over there for a vacation, however. Though, it'd be nice to say hi to Icarus, and possibly meet Josuke. „


            ،، Well .. Icarus said to tell you hi. I think they'd love to see you again – and it'd be fun to introduce you to everyone. You need a break anyway. Morioh /is/ a vacation spot. ”


cb over here too
          bats eyes (with rizz)


            ⠀//⠀God, it's been so long,,,, I think for Fugo, maybe just like asking his opinion on something. Maybe Joestar related stuff.


            ; / Anything specific?? because ngl I don't know what to write with Giorno </3


⠀//⠀Hi!!! Also for Fugo,,, whenever I get back on there,,,