
so    .    .     uhm     .    .    .       you probably don’t trust me and probably dislike me but      .   .       i want to be straight forward.      i finally get to meet my wife’s parents.     i want to make this right and tell you that calla means so much to me.      ive already had to prove myself to be with her to many people and i am not going to put up a fight with my extended family to be with her.       i care about her so much and would do anything for her.      i just wanted to get that out


*     he looked around the strange shelter he was brought in,    his eyes darting from different areas up until they landed on a short woman.   his head tilted to to the side,    feeling a sort of familiarity with her.    he left the man who brought him in and walked towards her with no warning     * 


*    he looked at her with glossy eyes.    without thinking he locked his lips with hers,    reliving her taste and feeling right at home for once.    when he broke the kiss,   his voice broke    *       i won’t let go.    i won’t ever let go,     my love.    not anymorw


/ @riscnswxrq  ✵
                         *  using her free arm , she dragged her fingers slowly through his long locks  *     It’s me   &   ..  you’re .. you   ..   *   She kept clinging  to him afraid that If she let go & broke the hug that he’d be gone . Again .  *     I’ve - ive missed you too ..   more then you know   ..   *   She shakily breathed in *  don’t let go .. please  ..


*    he brought up one arm and buried it into her soft locks     *       it’s you    .   .    it’s you       *    he whispered softly,    more to himself.    he feared he was dreaming and that he would wake up any second      *       my,    have i missed you.    oh ive missed you so much,     my love 


Mbv my short boss mama


ive missed you as well,    naevia 


/    @riscnswxrq   ✫
               * wrapping her arms around him & let her head fall exactly on his chest *    I’ve missed this .. I’ve missed you Algar ..


*     he wrapped his arms around her smaller figure,     closing his eyes and letting out a small breath     *        this as all i wanted to come home to