author's rant.
it is unrealistic to expect many things these days from a potential partner/lover. things like them having a substantial job at the age of 19—21. it is so wrong to judge someone based off their looks [alone]. for me, as long as they are not a very unhealthy weight, i will give them a chance. and i mean unhealthy in the way that they don't [want] better for themselves, they don't [want] to change or live really. i am 154, and struggled with my weight, especially as an endomorph, for most of my teenage years. as soon as i had turned 18, and was diagnosed with chronic gastritis, i began changing things in my diet so i wasn't in pain daily, so i wasn't struggling. i exercised, i took walks with my dog and began eating better. and eating better does not mean salads or anything, it just means reading labels, examining the sodium count and keeping tabs on your calorie intake by the day. it's a challenge, but all it takes is patience, time, and commitment to losing that weight. i wish the best with your own journey if you are currently on one, you really do deserve so much more, and remember that you are always loved.