
Am i the only thats missing the old wattpad eraa , with books that choked , cheered and changed you ? 


Assalamualaikum/ hey!
          If you are someone who love to hide their face behind the book which contains mysterious stuff with a touch of spirituality to connect you to the characters in a deeper way, then check out my new book.
          'A Mazed Heart' contains a mysterious plot, thrilling tale and a lot of suspense to indulge in. 
          If you love the Mystery/Thriller genre, then check out this book.
          It's also a spiritual book focusing mainly on spirituality from varied dimensions. Check out this book if you are intrigued by this genre.
          Attaching the link of AMH below. 
          And yeah, don't forget to leave your thoughts. It is the only prize and price an author gets for all of his hardwork :)


@Rifa_Fathma_ yupppp siissss deffoo!!



@Inking_Fantasies u got it girl 
            Subhana Allah it’s super amazing to see ya all trying to become better barakallahuuu feekkummm 
            I liked  the preview , nd theme so insha allah khair ! Plus having xams now 


            Oh, I understand ❤ My book contains more than 10,000 words even though it has only 7 chapters so far. And I keep constantly updating it because I'm working on getting it published, in shaa Allah. But it's up to you... I can't stand the suspense when I'm reading a book too, so I won't mind :p
            But I'd appreciate it if I can get a review of it from a Muslim reader since I'm gonna publish it because I wish to know what the Muslim community in my country would think about it. ❤


@Inking_Fantasies alrigth sis !!!, wil do insha allah , i mostly opt for finished books , bcs i don really hav the paitence , so if u see me lagging behind , .


assalamu alaikum varahmtullah 
          [ REVIEW ]
          some stories tug ur heartstrings till it weep for it , 
          i donot know what i expected ,when i  first started it . howver as i hav finnaly finished reading it . i am overwhelmed  with the intense emotions am carrying . there arent many books that makes me feel this way , making ur throughts clogged up , eyes glazed , clenching in the emotions , so that outsiders don think u r crazy to feel intense emotions for a mere a book , oh if only it was  a mere book  , the anthem of the rebels , has indeed sung the anthems well , nd i hope the  rebellion reach ur heart too, jazkallahu khairan kaseera for this story dear author ! thank u for never givin up .


wa aalaikumuslam varahmatullah . thank u somuch dhidhss , for penning it down ! nd replying .


@retreating__stars  السلام علیکم! 
            Dropped by to thank you for your support on AotR when I found this. JazakAllah khair! This totally made my day ❤ ^~^


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better <3 


@ScarlettBlackDaisy ommyygooshh , ur bookk was jus so amazing !. ill make  sure to leave review on , insh allah !


thank you so much for adding Journey to Hidaya to your reading list 


@kainatazharr will do dhidhss !!!!. alll the best with life ,may allah make it wasy for u .


@retreating__stars thank YOU for all the love and support you gave me ❤️ please keep me in your duaas 


@kainatazharr , nd zoyas emotion of regret . i don think i hav read , such intense emotions , nd it felt so  really realistic . masha allah , thank u for being so kind to message me ..



@Niqabi_Secrets insha allah dhidhss !, thanks for sharing


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


@ScarlettBlackDaisy wooww , am so sorry , i didnt even notice this message , nd dhidhss , ur book , i kinda loved it jus so much , i don even know what to say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. like the charectee potrayed , nd relation ship haley has with her dad , is jus , thank u simuch for writin it down , i  kissed my dad ,after finishin it  lol* , it inspired that much .  may allah bless u for sharin such an amazin story , ameen