
Wattpad officially lost me bro I can't even send messages anymore???? Losers.


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The shit I used to entertain on this app omg I just went through a few dms I had that I haven't opened since 2017-2018 and I cringed so hard my head actually hurts. The crazy part is that IM STILL DOING IT BRUH just not as bad. It's fun though so I guess I can't be too upset.


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It genuinely makes me sick to my stomach knowing that the flowers from 1970 fic is a fucking dream smp fic smh like that's literally the only thing keeping me from reading it even though it sounds good


          -Don't throw away items that you already own. You already spent ur money, the point of a boycott is to not give a company any more money. Throwing out things you already own is pointless and wasteful.
          -Do not try to boycott every single company that supports Israel. That's not how a boycott works. Instead, try to focus on the main companies that Palestinians are asking us to boycott (McDonald's, Pizza hut, dominoes, burger king, puma, HP, etc.)
          *There are many more companies, but I've only named the ones that are most likely to be used by the average person, please do more research on the other companies via BDSmovement bc if you are a consumer of any of these other companies it would be great if you withdrew your support from these companies*
          -Beware of where you donate!!! There are plenty of scams out there, so make sure you do extensive research on where you plan on donating.
          -Do not boycott jewish businesses if they are not pro-Israel. Remember, this genocide is being perpetrated by the Israeli GOVERNMENT, and they are not the same as the entire jewish community. Supporting Palestine does not equal antisemitism.
          -Remember to support Palestinian businesses and make sure to reach out to any of your Palestinian friends and neighbors.