Hi! This is my first announcement. I don't have a lot of followers but I'm so grateful for the few that have given my account/stories a chance. Maybe you're just here for the reading lists or whatnot, but I just want to say thanks for following.
Now for the point of this announcement.
I want to say I'm sorry for being so slow in my updates. I am a MAJOR perfectionist and I cannot, in good conscience, post something that is bad IMO. And my mindset, (although not the healthiest) is that if it doesn't come out perfect the first time, I suck as writer as a whole - so that usually takes a while to get past. Anyway, if you followed me a while ago and are still waiting on some updates, THEY ARE COMING. I'm starting them/getting them up to my standards (which are, like, so high it's impossible.)
I swear the few chapters I have posted aren't even up to my standards but I wanted them posted regardless to push myself to get past it.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I appreciate you so much <3
Love you